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Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that affects 2% of the population within the US[1]. Since the condition causes a lot of pain, it makes sense that people turn to looking for alternative methods of how they alleviate the symptoms of this illness. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia.

Not all CBD products are the same, though. That’s why, before committing to a purchase, do make sure to read and research all about the best form of CBD for fibromyalgia, and about the qualities that cannabidiol can provide to people suffering from this sickness, in general! Our list will look like this:

All of that said, let’s move on to the list in question.

1. cbdMD - Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil Derived from US-Grown Hemp

Ranks #1 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick


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Don't miss this limited-time opportunity to save big. Use this special coupon code link, save 25% & improve your well-being!

Expiration date: 01/04/2025
2309 People Used
Only 18Left

Let me tell you in advance - cbdMD is one of the more… Interesting companies on this list. That said, however, if you’re searching for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia and want a potent, yet THC-free product, cbdMD is going to be the perfect choice.

Yup, you’ve read that right - cbdMD’s oil is THC-free (meaning, THC levels in your body are going to be undetectable by drug tests), yet still potent. How is the brand able to achieve this combination, you may ask? Simple - it deals in broad-spectrum products.

Full-spectrum CBD oils and other products are potent, but have traces of THC within them. CBD isolates are completely pure of THC and other cannabinoids, yet because of a lack of the latter, they are also much less potent than full-spectrum products.

Broad-spectrum cannabidiol products are usually in the middle, but also depend heavily on the company making and selling them. cbdMD just so happens to offer some of the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, since it has managed to make its products strong in effect, yet without THC.

It’s not just a shtick, either - the brand tests its inventory with independent, third-party labs. In all honesty, with oil often cited as the best form of CBD for fibromyalgia, the brand’s broad-spectrum CBD oil should certainly be at the top of the list.

What is the Price of the cbdMD CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

If you’re looking for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia and are interested in just how much can a rarity such as broad-spectrum CBD oil cost, let me tell you - cbdMD’s prices are actually very reasonable:

You’ll also receive the industry-standard 30-day money-back guarantee.

Visit cbdMD
...or read our cbdMD review

2. CBDistillery - Coconut Oil-Based Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Ranks #2 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

30% Exclusive Discount

On All CBDistillery Products

You have an exclusive chance to save 30% on your CBDistillery order. Grab this limited-time promo code & enjoy top-rated CBD products!

Expiration date: 01/04/2025
931 People Used
Only 37Left

When making CBD oil products, companies have a few different options as far as the base of the oil goes. CBDistillery uses fractionated coconut oil for its base - let me explain why that’s so great.

Fractionated coconut oil is one of the better sources of MCTs to your body. What it does is that it makes it easier for you to absorb the actual cannabidiol itself, and works to also make you feel the effects faster than you would with any other oil base.

Combine all of that with the fact that the company sells full-spectrum products, and you have yourself one of the more potent options as far as the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia is concerned.

What is the Price of the CBDistillery CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

While the company offers a rather wide selection of products for customers to choose from, we’ll concentrate on the actual CBD oil, itself. The price tags for these products are:

Truth be told, one would probably expect higher prices from full-spectrum CBD oil products - not bad!

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3. NuLeaf Naturals - Natural and Potent CBD Oil

Ranks #3 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

Save 20% NOW

On Top-rated NuLeaf Natural Products

Grab this exclusive NuLeaf Naturals coupon to save 20% on the most popular products in the industry. Improve your wellness for less!

Expiration date: 30/03/2025
631 People Used
Only 49Left

One of the better-known brands in the current industry, NuLeaf Naturals is an old-timer offering customers natural and potent cannabidiol products - exactly what someone searching for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia would look for.

Let’s break down that statement, shall we?

The brand truly does put the “natural” in NuLeaf Naturals (I’m sorry, I’ll never do that again) - the hemp from which the company’s products are made of is grown naturally, without GMO getting involved. Being GMO-free, the hemp is then safe to be harvested, and then later on used to create the CBD products that you’d use.

Speaking of extraction, that’s the other thing, too - NuLeaf uses CO2 extraction to get the cannabidiol out of the stems and leaves of the hemp plant. As far as industrial CBD oil production goes, CO2 extraction is considered to be the best option by many, since it preserves the natural qualities of CBD and other compounds found within the plant.

The company also sells full-spectrum CBD products - this is great news for anyone looking for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia. Full-spectrum products are going to be the most potent option for anyone looking for really strong and effective CBD oils.

That said, you should keep one thing in mind - while full- and broad-spectrum CBD oil is going to provide the user with the “entourage effect” (due to a vast number of cannabinoids within the oil, you’ll be able to feel the effects quicker, and they’ll be stronger, overall), these types of products also contain often THC.

Now, don’t be alarmed - if you’re purchasing the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia from all of the best providers around, there’s nothing to worry about. Reliable companies with a good track record aren’t going to breach the legal THC limit - 0,3%. That said, some people still prefer pure CBD products over those containing traces of THC - it depends on the person in question.

What is the Price of the NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

NuLeaf Naturals offers customers a rather wide choice pool of different sizing and pricing options. Take a look:

When you factor in the quality and reputation of the brand, the prices are surely more than acceptable!

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...or read our NuLeaf Naturals review

4. Transcend Labs - Potent CBD Products

Ranks #4 out of 7 CBD Oils

While looking for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, or any other serious condition, you'd want that oil to be potent. Potency is the name of the game when it comes to Transcend Labs.

The company sells full-spectrum CBD products. This is true for both the oils, and the rest of the products that Transcend Labs has in store. In all honesty, while the oils are going to provide even veteran CBD users with some great potency, they will still fall in-line with the legal 0,3% THC limit.

The company's oils have also been independently tested, and contain no pesticides, GMOs or other harmful materials. That definitely boosts the products up by quite a bit!

What is the Price of Transcend Labs CBD Oil?

Transcend Labs oil prices are:

If you need the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, Transcend Labs is definitely worth checking out!

Visit Transcend Labs
...or read our Transcend Labs review

5. Social CBD - Broad-Spectrum and CBD Isolates

Ranks #5 out of 7 CBD Oils

Social CBD isn't as well-known of a company when compared to some other CBD industry giants on this list, but that surely doesn't take away from the company's product quality.

Social CBD offers customers two types of products - broad-spectrum oils, and CBD isolates. When it comes to the latter, things are somewhat self-explanatory - the isolates are going to be great for anyone who's opposed to THC, and would like the purest form of CBD out there.

Broad-spectrum CBD oils, however, are different. Same as with cbdMD, Social CBD's broad-spectrum CBD oils are going to contain minimal-to-no traces of THC, but will be rich with other cannabinoids.

What is the Price of Social CBD Oil?

Social CBD's broad-spectrum oil is priced like so:

Those are definitely some of the best prices around!

Visit Social CBD
...or read our Social CBD review

6. Fab CBD - Potent and Independently-Tested

Ranks #6 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

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On Your first Fab CBD Order

Grab this special Fab CBD coupon code and save 20% off your first order. Premium-quality Fab CBD products for less - doesn't it sound great?

Expiration date: 30/03/2025
2433 People Used
Only 67Left

While potency might be one of the most important factors when searching for the best CBD for fibromyalgia, there are other factors involved, too. One of the more essential of these factors would have to be independent tests.

Whenever a CBD provider creates a cannabidiol-based product, they then have to submit it to be tested by independent laboratories. Now, this isn’t exactly “mandatory”, but no one in their right mind will trust a company that has not tested its products or refuses to show the test results.

Now, it’s important that the tests would actually be independent. No matter if you need the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia or any other health-related issue, independent tests are going to be much more trustworthy than those performed by the companies themselves.

Makes perfect sense, right?

Well, Fab CBD does have its products independently-tested. Among other things, this inspires confidence and allows customers to actually trust the brand in question.

Furthermore, Fab CBD grows and harvests its hemp locally (in the US), and provides the customer with potent full-spectrum CBD oil.

What is the Price of the Fab CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

Fab CBD has these pricing options in place:

Honestly, for a full-spectrum CBD oil product, those are definitely some great prices!

Visit Fab CBD
...or read our Fab CBD review

7. Hemp Bombs - CBD Isolates Made from EU-Grown Hemp

Ranks #7 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

15% Off

Special Hemp Bombs Coupon

Save 15% off your entire order with this special Hemp Bombs coupon code. Enter the coupon code at the checkout & shop premium CBD products for less!

Expiration date: 01/04/2025
1982 People Used
Only 12Left

Now, listen - before you take out your pitchforks and come after me, let me explain.

Yes, I’ve been saying this time and time again - if the hemp that a company uses to produce its CBD products isn’t grown locally, you shouldn’t trust it.

I stand by that statement - it’s a bit more complicated than that, however.

Whenever you read a statement like that, you should immediately think about some shady places in the middle of the forest, with no regulations or other rules to bind the farmers. In such scenarios, who knows what they’re spraying on that hemp?

When it comes to the EU, however - namely, to Scandinavian countries -, the regulations there are often stricter than in the US!

Yes, Hemp Bombs does source its hemp from the EU. With the company proudly displaying its results from tests performed by independent labs, however, there’s nothing to worry about - the company is seen as a reliable alternative for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia.

The surprises don’t end there, though - while Hemp Bombs sell CBD isolates (pure CBD products that are completely THC-free), customers report them being comparatively potent! Now that’s not something that you’d come across every day!

What is the Price of the Hemp Bombs CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

The prices for the Hemp Bombs CBD oil products are:

Not the most affordable option for anyone looking for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, but also far from being the most expensive one, too!

Visit Hemp Bombs
...or read our Hemp Bombs review

Best CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia: Before You Buy

Fibromyalgia isn’t a condition you’d want to put off lighthandedly - if left untreated, it can lead to severe problems, both physically and mentally[2]. Out of the many ways people deal with the illness, however, CBD products seem to be the increasingly more-popular method.

That being the case, it’s still worth keeping a few things in mind before you decide on which brand sells the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia for you. At the very top of this “things-to-know” list, we have the reasoning for why you should be using CBD with this condition, in the first place.

The Benefits of CBD for People Suffering from Fibromyalgia

In order to analyze and learn all about the specific benefits of CBD when it comes to fibromyalgia, it’s best to first take a look at the symptoms of this disease. There are three notable ones - physical pain that spreads throughout your body, cognitive functioning impairment and fatigue. Let’s follow this train of thought, shall we?

  • Physical pain. Many people who have used cannabidiol before and are now searching for the best CBD for fibromyalgia claim that these products are able to alleviate symptoms of physical pain.

    This is actually a trend you could notice with cancer patients, too - while it’s still a debatable topic, many are adamant about the benefits of CBD in this particular area. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, full-spectrum oils or isolates could help you deal with the pain, or at least alleviate it as much as possible.

  • Cognitive function impairment. This refers to something known as the “fibro fog” - it makes you drowsy and disoriented, and can lead to loss of concentration and focus. While CBD might not help you (quote, unquote) “focus”, it should help you relax instead, thus allowing you to “take a breather”, so to speak - if you’re more relaxed and have time for yourself, you might rest enough to combat the “fibro fog” when it does come up.

  • Fatigue. Yet again - neither cannabidiol, nor the other dozens of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant are going to make you feel energized and suddenly bursting with strength and motivation. That said, it might help you alleviate pain and feel more relaxed, overall - with these two conditions in place, you’d be able to sleep soundly, and get all of the rest that you might need in order to not feel tired in the morning.

CBD does have other benefits, but these are the main ones that are going to be important to anyone suffering from this illness, and looking for the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia.

The Best Form of CBD for Fibromyalgia

Cannabidiol comes in various different shapes and sizes - not all of them are going to be as effective as others. Some of the more popular ones might include:

  • Oil - sold in drop-bottles, cannabidiol oil is consumed by applying the required amount of drops under your tongue.
  • Topicals - creams and blams containing CBD that you’d rub onto your skin.
  • Capsules - concentrated cannabidiol capsules that you’d take a couple of times per day, with water.
  • Vapes - CBD-infused vape pods that you could insert into a vape pen, and vape throughout the day.
  • Chewables - various CBD-infused gummies and treats.

There are more product variations out there, but these are usually considered to be the main ones.

So… What is the best for of CBD for fibromyalgia?

Quite frankly, that would have to be the oil.

The reason behind that is very simple, too - CBD oil is the most potent and fast way of consuming CBD. It works the fastest, and the effects can be felt for quite some time after consumption.

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Dosage and Overdosing

One thing that many might fear when looking for the best CBD for fibromyalgia is overdosing. Well, I’m here to tell you that this is practically impossible - you can’t really overdose on CBD, unless you count in the nausea and dizzyness side effects that might accompany large amounts of ingested cannabidiol.

So… Does that mean that you can just chug the whole bottle when the pain becomes too much?

Nope, don’t even think about it - as does everything else, CBD has some specific, recommended dosage amounts that should be strictly followed, even though if there’s little-to-no risk of overdosing.

No matter if you’re using cannabidiol for epilepsy treatment[3] or to deal with fibromyalgia, you should always consult with your physician about the amount of CBD you should be using. The intervals can vary depending on the intensity of your symptoms, and what type of oil you’ve chosen (full-spectrum or isolates?).

If your physician tells you to follow the general instructions, that’s what you should do - many brands out there have dosage information that comes with their products or can be found on their official websites. Look into it, since every situation is different, and there’s no “universal way of consuming CBD”.

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No matter if you’re looking for the best CBD for fibromyalgia, cancer, epilepsy or any other form of sickness out there, it’s obvious that the product can help people cope with their struggles and alleviate different types of symptoms.

That said, if you do want to reach the best results possible, you should always purchase your CBD oil from the best providers of the industry, and follow the dosage instructions carefully.

With that, I hope that you now know all about the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, and how it can help you deal with the condition in question. Best of luck!

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

Other CBD Oils In This Category

Medterra - Affordable, Independently-Tested CBD Isolates

Medterra is a brand offering its customers CBD isolates. These are products that contain 0 traces of THC - whether you’re looking for the best CBD for fibromyalgia or any other health issue, and do not want to have anything to do with THC, isolates are a great option. You will, however, have to sacrifice a bit of potency in turn for purity.

That being said, it’s not the only thing that Medterra’s special for. The company does sell the best form of CBD for fibromyalgia - CBD oil -, yet has a pretty limited choice pool when it comes to other products. The oil, however, is reported to be tasteless - that’s much better than the natural, “earthly” taste that many people claim most CBD oils to have.

As with any other major cannabidiol provider out there, Medterra has its products tested by independent, third-party labs.

What is the Price of the Medterra CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

Medterra’s pricing options are:

  • 500mg - $34,99
  • 1000mg - $55,99
  • 3000mg - $132,99

If you’re not satisfied with the products, you’ll be able to return them in a short period of time, and receive a refund, too.

Lazarus Naturals - A Couple of Choices

Lazarus Naturals is one of the rarer companies that supply its customers with two different CBD oil options - full-spectrum products, and isolates.

Quite frankly, no matter what your preferences are for finding and choosing the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia, you’ll be able to find all options with Lazarus Naturals.

The full-spectrum products form the company are potent, while the CBD isolates are THC-free. That said, both types of oil are tested by independent labs, and are proven to be natural, without any toxic additives within the base of the oil.

Lazarus also has a pretty broad selection of different products - you could pick from capsules, oils, pet products, “day and night” sample packs, topicals, and so on. While there aren’t any vaping pods or chews, if you’re not too picky about the preferred method of consuming CBD, you should still be able to find what you’re looking for.

What is the Price of the Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia?

Now, while the brand sells both full-spectrum CBD products and isolates, let’s focus on the latter, since customers often seem to emphasize purity, especially when it comes to purchasing the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia from an organic and natural product-oriented brand.

The price tags for the isolates are:

  • 750mg - $40
  • 3000mg - $125

Definitely some of the more affordable options out there!

Scientific References

1. Ann Vincent, Roberto P Benzo, Mary O Whipple, et al.: 'Beyond pain in fibromyalgia: insights into the symptom of fatigue'

2. Olga Gelonch, Maite Garolera, Joan Valls, et al.: 'The effect of depressive symptoms on cognition in patients with fibromyalgia'

3. William O. Pickrell and Neil P. Robertson: 'Cannabidiol as a treatment for epilepsy'

Recent Best CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia User Reviews

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Absolutely love their products!

If you are still in doubt, then just visit their website. Everything is simple and clear there, a huge amount of useful information for both beginners and those who have been interested in the CBD for a long time. Absolutely love their products!

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5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Fast delivery

CBDDistilery has one MAJOR advantage. Delivery speed and logistics. They are the best on the market.

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5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Highly recommend this product

Great CBD oil. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to rest and relax

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5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Helped a lot with my anxiety

I'm very pleased with their products/services. It helped me a lot with my anxiety. Can't live without CBD oil now

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5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Excellent service

Up until now the service is excellent. I hope I won't have any problems with shipping. Best company!

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How can the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia help me deal with the illness?

Fibromyalgia is known for causing people intense, widespread pain, dizziness and cognitive functioning difficulties. Bought from the most reliable companies in the industry, CBD oil might help you alleviate pain and relax, thus allowing you to get some proper rest and better concentrate on your everyday tasks.

What is the best form of CBD for fibromyalgia?

While top-tier brands are going to offer customers different methods of consuming cannabidiol, the traditional “oil-under-tongue” way is still considered to be the best. CBD, in oil form, is often thought to be most-effective, and you should feel the effects kick in relatively fast, when compared to other forms of CBD.

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.

Is CBD legal?

It depends on where in the world you are located. For example, in the US, CBD is technically legal in all 50 states. That being said, it still isn’t regulated by the FDA, and a subject for continuous controversies and disagreements.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.