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CBD overdose: woman smoking weed in the forest

I was in this big family gathering recently and not to my surprise, the small talk turned to CBD oil...

Since I‘ve got 'a bit' of digging made into this 'cannabis oil thing',  I was explaining to all the aunts and uncles what benefits you get from using it. My conservative uncle wasn’t sugarcoating and quickly spat out: “You’ll have a CBD overdose, that’s what you’ll have!

The stigma of cannabis is still prevalent throughout the older generation. You can’t judge that - all their life cannabis was associated with one of the most illegal drugs. Only recently the Farm Bill Act was passed legalizing the use of Industrial hemp products throughout the country.

No wonder people are still thinking cannabis-derived CBD oil is a “dangerous substance” or a drug, with a potential of CBD overdose. 

It is always hard to convince people if they already have their minds fixed. Luckily, my uncle was open enough to listen about what CBD is, can you take too much CBD oil, what does WHO (World Health Organisation) have to say about it and what are the worst side-effects of CBD overdose.

In this article, I’ll tackle the same questions that I’ve been explaining to my uncle. So, if you're ready, off we go...

Is it possible to overdose on CBD?

According to an investigation published by the National Institute of Health, “CBD is not risk-free. In animals, CBD AEs included developmental toxicity, embryo-fetal mortality, central nervous system inhibition, and neurotoxicity, hepatocellular injuries, spermatogenesis reduction, organ weight alterations, male reproductive system alterations, and hypotension, although at doses higher than recommended for human pharmacotherapies.” Yet, other studies report the safety of CBD use in humans with low potential for side effects. It is possible to take too much CBD oil, which may result in lethargy, diarrhea, drowsiness, and dizziness.

What Is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. There are more than one hundred similar compounds and all of them belong to a group called ‘phytocannabinoids’ (‘phyto’ meaning ‘plant’).

There are mainly two most well-known phytocannabinoids: CBD and THC. The latter one is psychoactive and therefore gives you the ‘high’ feeling when you smoke Marijuana joint or eat a cannabis-induced brownie, for example. 

Now, both of them are present in the cannabis plant. The difference is in their ratio. Marijuana (or Cannabis Indica) has high levels of THC and lower levels of CBD, while Industrial hemp (or Cannabis Sativa) has high levels of CBD and very low levels of THC.

So, can you overdose on CBD when smoking too much weed? Not at all. You’ll most likely be overdosing on THC and will experience what is called a “bad trip”. Worth to mention that cannabis is considered a relatively safe substance with little-to-none lethal consequences.

CBD overdose: cannabis plant close-up

Can there be too much CBD from hemp products then? Well, also no. CBD overdose at most will give you a few mild side-effects that pass quickly. Other than that CBD itself is absolutely safe to use.

WHO Recommendations

World Health Organization (WHO) has made an extensive study of CBD and prepared a report of its qualities, use, and safety.

Overall, CBD has no dependence potential, meaning you won’t develop an addiction to it as you would to many other kinds of drugs or alcohol, for example. There is also no risk for CBD abuse, or in other words, they have not indicated any potential to have CBD overdose.

Moreover, there has not been any public health problems associated with having too much CBD. As well as there is no evidence for CBD products’ recreational use. Simply put, CBD is not used for fun but mainly for increasing overall well-being and treating certain medical conditions.

As WHO confirms, CBD has been demonstrated as an effective treatment for epilepsy. Other than that, there is a growing number of scientific studies that prove its anti-inflammatory[1], calming[2] and pain-relieving[3] qualities.

In general, CBD is considered to be a well-tolerated substance with a good medical profile and hardly any severe side-effects. The potential for CBD overdose is practically zero and therefore more and more countries are making it legal to use for medical purposes. 

Can You Overdose On CBD?

Over 70,000 people die each year in the U.S. due to drug overdose. Opioids being the major cause of those deaths. No wonder, there is a concern when starting any new medical substance.

CBD overdose: spilled opioid pills

While opioids are mainly used for increasing relaxation and mood, CBD is promising similar effects with practically zero chance of CBD overdose. That’s one of the reasons CBD oil is taking the U.S. market by storm.

Scientists only recently started to explore CBD potential. Since it is widely used for treating different medical conditions, naturally, they questioned: “can you overdose on CBD?”. But there is no scientific evidence proving its lethality

Having said that, by no means should you drink gallons of CBD oil (it would be awfully expensive and disgusting). It’s still a medical substance and it’s always better to start slow

The most what you could get is to have too much CBD and experience its side-effects of which we will take later in the article. 

Marijuana-based CBD Oil Overdose

Some people do say that they’ve experienced a nasty CBD overdose. But can you take too much CBD oil? As I’ve said, it would require gallons of it within minutes, unless…

CBD overdose: syringe with marijuana oil

Unless it's a Marijuana-based CBD oil

You see, Marijuana-based CBD oil has high levels of THC compound in it (Remember? The psychoactive ingredient that makes you ‘high’). And this one is way easier to overdose than CBD. But again, not lethally. It’s only that you’ll get more severe side-effects, like:

  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Panic attacks
  • Confusion
  • Increased heart rate

Pretty much the same as you would get smoking too much weed. Other than that, experts say that cannabis oil is really safe to use

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What Is the Right Dose?

We already know that there’s no lethal CBD overdose, but it’s still wise to choose the right amount for you. The best way is to start with a low dose of 3 - 5 mg the first week. If you experience no change or benefit to your overall being, try adding the same amount each week.

Should you start feeling nauseous or any other side-effect, reduce by a little bit and there you’ll have the right amount for reaping the most benefit from CBD oil.

Of course, should you decide to use CBD oil for alleviating severe pain or other strong symptoms, you will need to start with higher doses

Side-effects of CBD

Try eating five tablespoons of cinnamon at once. After that, you probably wouldn’t want to see it for at least five years to come.

CBD overdose: a bowl full of cinnamon

You could have too much of practically anything in life if used excessively. That’s why many practical philosophers argued for moderate means

Can you take too much CBD? Absolutely. The good news, you won’t die from it. But the side-effects could be pretty uncomfortable:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness

Although, many studies on CBD side-effects point out that very likely there are other factors responsible for inducing those effects. For example, it may be a result of CBD interaction with patients existing medications or caused by impurities and contaminants in the CBD oil.

Bi-phasic Effects of CBD Oil

While there’s practically no severe CBD overdose, it does have a bi-phasic effect on your body.

What is bi-phasic you might ask?

There are two ways that CBD can work on you (hence the prefix ‘bi-’).

Significantly high or low doses have different effects on users. If taken in small doses, CBD generally has an energizing effect on them, whereas if taken in very high doses, its effect is more of a sedative.

CBD overdose: CBD oil and cannabis plant

Therefore, before using CBD, it is recommended to determine for what reasons you want to take it. If it’s only to improve your overall well-being then it is good to have it in small doses. Should you decide to use CBD for pain relief or treating certain inflammatory or another kind of illness, the doses are, of course, higher.

The effect is also dependent on the factors, such as body weight, metabolism, personal medical condition, and oil’s potency. Therefore, before using the new product, it is also advisable to consult with the doctor who has familiarized himself with the use of CBD.

Choosing the Right Brand

Since FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not regulate CBD products, and as it moves into the mainstream, there is a growing number of unregulated producers who may be selling impure or falsely advertised CBD products.

For this reason, our team is dedicated to quality-check all the producers we work with and prepare in-depth reviews about their strengths and weaknesses for you to have a better understanding on each of them.

We always encourage newcomers to familiarize themselves with the product and the company they plan to purchase that CBD product from. It’s quite an investment and generally, it’s not recommended switching from brand to brand. 

CBD overdose: focussed woman researching with a computer

There are a few steps to make before deciding to have your first CBD oil:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the health benefits that CBD has and decide why would you need it. Maybe to increase overall mood and well-being? Or perhaps aiding in pain management, reducing inflammation or stress levels? It could also be used for better sleep.

  2. We generally recommend buying Full-spectrum CBD oil since it has a wider range of benefits. Though it contains THC and surpassing certain amounts of it can be illegal in some states. So, it is good to find out what are the laws on cannabis in your state.

  3. Buy from the big, trusted brands. Such as Charlotte's Web, Green Roads, NuLeaf Naturals, etc. And don’t forget to read the reviews. They may seem to sell the same product but there are slight differences between their products.

  4. Trustworthy companies have third party laboratories test their products and provide quality certifications. Always look for those.

  5. Consult with the experienced doctor on the personal dosages and do not be afraid to contact the brand’s customer support if you have some unclarities.

CBD oil is not a snack that you could lighthandedly buy anywhere on the Internet. It’s an investment that, if used correctly, could bring you many benefits and value. So, have your aces up the sleeve and take each company with a pinch of salt.


As I’ve told at the beginning of the article, my uncle was skeptical about all this new ‘CBD thing’. I’ve covered here the things that I’ve explained to him personally: what CBD is, can you overdose on CBD, what does World Health Organisation have to say about it and what are the worst side-effects of CBD overdose

CBD overdose: cannabis plant close-up

It showed me that there’s still a ‘bad drug’ label attached to cannabis and its products. There's also a need for more science-based information about CBD health benefits and safety.

So far, scientists have not indicated any potential health hazards of CBD. What is clear, that it is practically impossible to have a CBD overdose both intentionally or accidentally.

There are also no widely accepted dosage requirements or limits. It is generally recommended to start slow and gradually add up to a personal liking.

Some CBD side-effects are attributed to impurities found in the product. Since there is a huge variety of CBD oil producers, it is advisable to make a research before purchasing the product. Here comes our job to provide you with quality reviews about the leading companies in this industry.

That's it for this time. If you have any other doubts or questions, feel free to look through our other articles here.

Be smart, stay healthy and enjoy your new CBD experience.

Contributed By Diana Rangaves, PharmD

Dr. Diana Rangaves, Google Scholar, holds a Doctorate from the Univers...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Diana Rangaves, PharmD

1. Prakash Nagarkatti, Rupal Pandey, Sadiye Amcaoglu Rieder et al.: 'Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs'

2. José A. Crippa, Francisco S. Guimarães, Alline C. Campos et al.: 'Translational Investigation of the Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD): Toward a New Age'

3. Sonja Vučković, Dragana Srebro, Katarina Savić Vujović et al.: 'Cannabinoids and Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules'

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Recent User Reviews

Good read!

Feels great to find information on cbd, it's a great legal alternative that I hope helps more people around the world!

Worried about my dog

Bought nice cbd treats for my dog to promote appetite and improve his health. He got the bag and we were worried, seems normal after a few hours. Thank god.

Buy quality

I wish I had found reliable stores before, first time I bought cbd oil on Amazon I didn't feel too well, like drinking too much alcohol, I felt nauseous, confused. That brand dissapeared shortly, their products had contaminants and chemicals.

not bad

first time i had cbd ate a few gummies, i didnt feel well but i just slept it off, woke up feeling amazing.

Mnimal dose

Hello, I'm no expert but I would recommend looking up to the minimal dose of CBD and start there.

Checking labeling

Before I never read the ingredients or amount of cbd until I had way too much, now I prefer to measure my daily dose, otherwise I feel groggy.

Took 30mg today

I moved from 10mg to 30mh and my energy has improved a lot, no trace of overdose, I don't even think it can happen.

Feeling suuuper tired

The pain is gone but I feel fatigued, letargic, I feel I maybe I added way too many drops.

Excellent supplement

It's true I was curious if cbd could get me high, it's an excellent pain relief. Feeling blessed with a product that is not addictive and works for me.


Because of my chronic pain I was taking pain killers, just felt drugged up after taking them. I ran into CBD online and it's been amazing, feeling happier now.

Cant happen

Five years using CBD to treat my chronic pain and not even once felt intoxicated, the effect can last longer but don't expect to feel high.

Best thing ever!

Love my cbd edibles, I cant take strong pain medication and no matter how many cbd gummies I eat, I always feel good.

Thank you!

Very good article, since I'm consuming a product with a trace of THC Im a bit worried, although it seems that it cant be dangerous.

Glad I didn't overdose

When I bought chocolates I thought one piece was one portion, but it was six, I didn't know and freaked out! But nothing bad happened, CBD seems to be really a natural alternative.


Every time I take my cbd with my green juice I feel extremely foggy, I'm taking 10mg which should be fine. I wonder if I should look for a new strain or buy a different product.

Dry mouth

Woke up feeling dizzy and dry mouth, I had a chocolate last night and went to bed, didn't expect to feel so tired this morning, almost want to throw up. I felt better after a while, considering taking just one drop of cbd oil tonight.

Went to bed

Thank you for the info, I felt bad last night after taking too much cbd, just went to bed and today I feel fine.

Thank you very much

I bought a 500mg cbd oil and had a bit too much, good to know it's safe! =)

CBD oil

I spilled my oil on my leg, I was just curious if topicals would get you a side effect, glad to know it's gonna be fine.

Better alterative

Gosh!! I was so worried I would get hooked into cbd just as painkillers make you feel, but there is no addiction, I dont even take my cbd capsules everyday, it's an impressive natural alternative for sure, keeps the pain away with no side effects.


Can you overdose on CBD?

It is very unlikely that you'll have a CBD overdose either intentionally or accidentally. According to the World Health Organisation, CBD has a 'good safety profile with no indicative potential for abuse or dependence'. If you would ingest too much CBD, most what you would get is its mild side-effects, such as daytime sleepiness, fatigue, diarrhea or dizziness. Nevertheless, the oil that you use could be of unknown source with impurities or other contaminants that bring about more severe discomfort. For this reason, you should buy CBD oil only from trusted brands.

Is Full-spectrum CBD oil better than CBD Isolate?

Scientists agree that cannabinoids work best together. It is called the 'entourage effect'. Full-spectrum CBD oil not only has CBD but also other phytocannabinoids, therefore it is more potent and has more health benefits than CBD isolate. At the moment, one of the market's leaders is NuLeaf Naturals Full-spectrum CBD oil.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.

How is AllbestCBDoil different from any other websites that write CBD oil reviews?

AllbestCBDoil is an investigative initiative. The team behind the project is working hard at finding & filtering thousands of user reviews. We deeply investigate products by creating expert documentations, all to provide readers with the most accurate information possible. We are independent & completely unbiased. Unlike some other review sites, AllbestCBDoil cares about your wellness & always aims to uncover the truth behind each CBD brand. We do not compete with other review websites - instead, we focus on the most truthful content.

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.