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Allow me to be the first one to admit - that’s a review title I’ve never thought I’d write in my life. Still, it’s only appropriate, seeing as we’ll be looking at customer Simply CBD reviews.

Simply CBD is a UK-based CBD provider. The company and all of its products are among the most interesting that I’ve ever encountered - both for all of the right reasons, and all of the wrong ones. It appears that multiple customer Simply CBD reviews agree with that notion - you either love the brand, or hate it.

That’s what I’ll let you decide, too, right after you finish reading the article. I warn you, though - Simply CBD UK a very interesting CBD provider, so you’re in for a ride.

TL;DR: Simply CBD deals in full-spectrum CBD products, It has a pretty wide assortment of oils to pick from, all of them are independently-tested by third-party labs. All of the profit that the company makes goes to dog charities. That said, the brand’s website is all over the place, adn not all products are lab-tested.


  • Full-spectrum CBD products
  • Affordable CBD oils
  • 100% of the profit goes to dog shelters
  • Independently-tested CBD oils


  • Not all CBD products are independently-tested
  • Issues with the website's security

Simply CBD Reviews: PROS

As interesting as Simply CBD UK may be, we’re going to follow the same pattern that we always do when talking about different CBD providers and their products, and start off by looking at some positive customer Simply CBD reviews.

It should also be mentioned that we’ll be covering the CBD oils that are offered by Simply CBD, and not the rest of the products that the brand has in stock. While there are a few things worth mentioning about them, we won’t go too in-depth - just a heads up.

Full-Spectrum CBD Oils

Whenever you’re out shopping or CBD, you might notice that there are different types of CBD products available for you to purchase - this is something that’s noted by some customer Simply CBD reviews, too. These types of CBD differ by quite a bit, and it is thus important to understand what it is that you’re about to buy.

In total, there are three main types of CBD products that you should be aware of - isolates, broad- and full-spectrum ones.

Simply CBD reviews: the CBD oil.

CBD isolates are the purest form of cannabidiol that you can purchase. Well, that’s the case if you buy isolate powder - the more popular choice would be to go with isolate oils, but the sentiment still stands true, in both cases. The only issue that some users may have with CBD isolates is that they are quite a bit less potent than, say, full-spectrum products.

Since CBD has been analyzed and studied in various different forms (and topics, too - everything from its effects on neuropsychiatric disorders[1] all the way to physical pains and inflammations), you’d probably think that all of the types of CBD products are also quite self-explanatory, right? Well, broad-spectrum CBD products aim to prove that statement wrong.

Simply CBD reviews: CBD oil product selection.

A lot of the qualities of broad-spectrum CBD products depend on the provider that deals with them. The general idea, however, is that the products are going to be quite potent and comprised of different types of cannabinoids, but will also be completely THC-free.

Finally, full-spectrum CBD products are ones that are bound to give you “a bang for your buck”. This is the most potent group of them all - if you need your CBD to be effective, full-spectrum products are your best bet.

Now, how does this all relate to the customer Simply CBD reviews, you may ask? Well, Simply CBD deals in full-spectrum CBD oil.

While there are some questions about the legality of such products in the UK, most customer Simply CBD reviews assure that the products are completely legal, and fall in-line with all of the official laws and regulations.

Independently-Tested CBD Oils

Independent lab tests are the cornerstone of any and all CBD products that you might come across online - this is true with customer Simply CBD reviews, as well as with any other CBD brand reviews out there, too.

If a CBD-containing product has been independently tested, you can be sure that it will fall under all of the official quality and legality requirements - in most cases, this is especially important when it comes to the amounts of THC and actual CBD within the product, and other, potentially-harmful materials.

By now, it is almost common knowledge that, if you want someone to purchase your CBD product, it has to be independently tested, and the results have to be made public for all potential customers to see. “Independently” is actually the keyword here, too - some CBD companies try to shadily tamper with the test results by paying off some accomplice lab - not cool.

Simply CBD reviews: independent lab test results.

Customer Simply CBD reviews will tell you that this isn’t something that should be on your mind when looking at Simply CBD UK oils, though.

All of the company’s CBD oil products have been independently tested by third-party laboratories, and have been proven to be up-to-par, all essential factor-wise.

100% of the Profits go to Dog Charities

Admittedly, this isn’t really related to the actual products and their quality, but it’s literally the thing that makes Simply CBD UK unique, and is thus very important to stress, nonetheless.

I love dogs - I mean, who doesn’t? In my completely unbiased, utterly-objective and factually-correct opinion, dogs are literally the best animals to ever walk the face of this Earth. They aren’t called “man’s best friends” for nothing!

I probably don’t need to tell you this, but there are many dogs out there that are sick or even disabled - the UK is not an exception here, either. Admittedly, there are special shelters that are out there to help dogs that are in these types of situations - customer Simply CBD reviews will tell you that this company is oriented in building one such shelter, too.

Simply CBD reviews: dog shelter project.

On their official website, Simply CBD proudly exclaim that all of the profit that they receive from selling their CBD products will go directly to establishing the “UK’s first Holistic run free dog shelter in rural Wales”.

Yes, you read that right - ALL of the profit. As in, 100%.

I admit - the numbers sound a bit… Sketchy. I mean, a claim like that is quite bold - you’d be surprised by the number of companies out there that make similar claims (number-wise, that is), and don’t follow through.

That said, however, it would seem that most customer Simply CBD reviews agree that not only is this a very noble cause, but it’s also something that the company behind the CBD products is very passionate about. Well, hey - all I can do is commend them for this, since this is truly an amazing cause.

Simply CBD Reviews: CONS

While Simply CBD UK truly does have some unique approaches towards both their CBD products and their mission as a company, that does not mean that everything’s perfect - it’s not.

Admittedly, there are quite a few less-than-positive customer Simply CBD reviews floating around - there are also some things that I have noticed myself, and have not seen mentioned anywhere else, too. With that being said, let’s talk about some of the main negative aspects of Simply CBD, shall we?

Not All Products are Independently-Tested

If you were paying close attention in the first half of this article, you might have noticed that I kept on emphasizing how Simply CBD UK tests all of their CBD OIL with independent, third-party labs. I did that on purpose - the oils appear to be the only products that are actually tested.

If you stroll through the company’s website, and take a look at the product pages of some of the oils, you’ll notice that, at the bottom of the page, there’s always some sort of a lab report about the qualities of those specific products - that’s great! However, if you repeat the same process with the brand’s balms or edibles, you won’t find any reports present.

I won’t sugarcoat it - that’s quite an issue.

Simply CBD reviews: non-CBD oil product selection.

As noted earlier on in the article, independent product testing is crucial for a CBD provider to be taken seriously - this is true with both industry leaders, and also less-known brands, such as the one mentioned in customer Simply CBD reviews.

To be completely frank with you, it’s actually rather odd, too - you’ll rarely encounter a CBD provider that would have tested only a part of their inventory.

Whatever the case might be, my advice is the same as that offered in some customer Simply CBD reviews - stay away from any and all products that have not been independently-tested by designated, third-party laboratories.

No SSL Certificate on the Company’s Official Website

I swear, this has to be the strangest point I’ve ever written about in a CBD-oriented review.

SSL certificates, admittedly, have absolutely nothing to do with CBD - nothing at all. However, if you care about the privacy and security of your personal information while making purchases online, you should also care about SSLs, too.

Quite frankly, an SSL certificate is that little green lock icon at the top of an internet page, right where the address of the site you are currently in is located. As you can probably see from clicking on it in this review, it will tell you that the connection between your device and our website is secure.

Simply CBD reviews: has a secure connection.

That is not something that you’d see upon visiting Simply CBD, though - all of their pages except the product ones are not secure, meaning that any and all information that you might enter on them (passwords, bank and payment information, etc.) can be stolen quite easily.

Simply CBD reviews: the homepage isn't secure.

Now, this is the most interesting part of this entire chapter - if you go to the brand’s product pages, all of them DO ACTUALLY HAVE SSLs! That’s super-weird!

Simply CBD reviews: the product pages, however, are secure.

While that does theoretically mean that your actual purchases are going ot be secure (since you perform them via the product pages, and not, say, the "about" page of a site), it’s still quite… Weird.


Now, with all of the pros and very-unusual cons mentioned in some customer Simply CBD reviews discussed and out of the way, let’s move on to the final point of this article - the pricing section.

Once again - we’ll only be concentrating on the CBD oil products that the company provides. While some customers like to consume CBD in other ways, i.e. vaping (on which there are actual studies, too[2]), it’s rather obvious that the only trustworthy products offered by Simply CBD are the oils (this goes back to the independent testing ordeal discussed earlier).

So, the prices for the Simply CBD UK oils are:

As you can probably see for yourself, the prices are literally all over the place. They sure are quite confusing! Having said that, the general consensus drawn from other customer Simply CBD reviews seems to be that the price tags do fit the products, and that they are quite affordable, in general.

Here is The Best CBDistillery Offer I Found:


So… What’s the conclusion here? Is Simply CBD UK worth trying out?

Well…. I have to say, this is definitely a tough call. If I had to pick an answer, I’d say yes - but be cautious.

The company does appear to sell some high-quality, full-spectrum CBD oil - that’s pretty clear. The cause that they stand for is very noble, too - if what they say is true, and an actual 100% of the profit goes to the dog shelter, it’s truly a wonderful thing, for sure.

Having said that, though, do make sure to stick with only the lab-tested products - namely, the CBD oils. Also, before committing to a purchase, do remember to make sure that the actual website is safe and your information won’t get stolen or leaked - if there’s an SSL present, you should be alright.

Finally, you can also check out some of the best CBD oils in UK, in general - perhaps you’ll find some decent alternatives there? With that being said, though, I thank you for reading, and wish you the best of luck with your CBD purchases to come!

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

Scientific References

1. Sonja Elsaid, Stefan Kloiber, Bernard Le Foll: 'Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Review of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Findings'

2. Mehrak Javadi-Paydar, Kevin M Creehan, Tony M Kerr, Michael A Taffe: 'Vapor Inhalation of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Rats'

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Recent Simply CBD User Reviews

4.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


Please be less assertive with ad emails ......

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Love it

I'm the one who loves this brand!

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4.6/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


Smaller than I expected. On the picture it was way bigger. Delivery was good.

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


They have a physical store! It means the company is not afraid of facing its buyers. Highly recommended.

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Great for beginner users

Affordable & easy

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Facebook support

What if I don't use Facebook? Is it possible to receive help from their customer service?

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4.2/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Not good

Delivery is taking longer and longer with every order. Not a good sign

Price value
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4.2/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Cheap cbd

Well. It's cheap

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

like it

Unique and amazing brand. RECOMMEND!

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


I almost forgot about painkillers and melatonin these days. Thanks Simply!

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4.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


They were giving free samples with each order before however, I didn't receive any lately. Wiliiam S

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

We love it!

Very reliable company with reasonable pricing. Buying for myself and my brother's family. Everyone is happy so far.

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

cheap and good

cheap and good

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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Useful review

I have recommended it to family and friends. This is the most useful review.

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3.6/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

terrible experience

I tried it once and I had a terrible experience. Their customer service is bad, delivery takes ages, products do not work.

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4.2/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

ok review

This company has two sides. Great products and terrible website. Its way too simplistic.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


What CBG means? I placed an order but noticed that it was CBG instead of CBD two days later...

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Slow shipping

Very slow shipping with everything these days. Simply CBD is not an exception

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner


Quick delivery, niceeee

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Simply CBD Owner

Good job

The most affordable CBD in the UK. Usually . they are much more expensive in here. Good job!

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What are the features of the Simply CBD UK oil?

The CBD oil offered by Simply CBD is a full-spectrum product - this means that you can expect it to be quite potent. The products are also rather affordable, and have been independently tested by third-party labs. That being said, this is only true with the actual CBD oil, and not with the rest of the types of CBD products that Simply CBD has to offer.

What are the prices of the Simply CBD oil?

Customer Simply CBD reviews point out that the price tags for the brand's oil products are actually rather affordable. They range from £7 up to £140. All things considered, the price tags surely are quite alright!

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.

Is CBD legal?

It depends on where in the world you are located. For example, in the US, CBD is technically legal in all 50 states. That being said, it still isn’t regulated by the FDA, and a subject for continuous controversies and disagreements.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.