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If you currently reside in the UK, and are looking for CBD products for any and all reasons that you might have, there are actually quite a few brands to pick from. Among all of those brands, however, there’s one that stands out of the crowd - in this article, we’ll take a look at customer Provacan reviews, and see what all of the hype is about.

The reason for why Provacan “stands out of the crowd” of other UK-based CBD brands is because the company is a semi-recent industry newcomer that’s quickly climbing up the ladder of success. The term “research” is at the core of that success, too - that said, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s take things from the top, shall we?

TL;DR: Customer Provacan reviews will tell you that the company offers some research-based CBD products that aren’t only completely legal in the UK, but also provide the user with a full-spectrum experience. The products are all independently-tested, and contain minimal traces of THC.


  • Research-based CBD products
  • Full-spectrum CBD oil
  • Completely legal within the UK
  • <0,1% THC


  • Product selection could be wider
  • Somewhat pricey
  • Relatively new company

Provacan Reviews: PROS

As per usual with our CBD provider reviews, we’ll start off by talking about the more positive aspects of Provacan, and by looking at what main benefits customer Provacan reviews tend to mention.

Also, for the bigger part of this article, we’ll be concentrating on the CBD oil product that the company provides. The reason behind this is pretty simple, too - CBD oil is the go-to, main product of any CBD-oriented brand out there. Companies create various different CBD products nowadays, but if there’s something that all of the brands have in common, it has to be CBD oil.

So, without further ado, let’s get into the Provacan CBD oil review. We’ll start off by discussing arguably the most unique feature of the brand - it being very research-based and oriented.

A Research-Based CBD Brand

If you’re not entirely new to the CBD industry, it will probably come as no surprise to you that there’s a lot of research being done on cannabidiol and its properties, and also some other cannabinoids, as well. By now, CBD has been showcased to have therapeutic properties for everything from Alzheimer’s disease[1] all the way to physical pains.

Needless to say, while the topic is still quite heavily shrouded in mystery and controversy (i.e. it not being regulated by the FDA in the US), it sure does attract a lot of scientific attention, nonetheless.

A single look at some of the customer Provacan reviews will tell you that the term “science” is actually very important to the brand in question. Allow me to explain.

Provacan is likely the only CBD company in the world (surely the only company in the UK) that bases all of its products on actual, CBD-related research that’s done by the organization called CiiTech.

Provacan reviews: CiiTech.

The way that this works is that, when you purchase some CBD products from Provacan (oil, topicals, or anything else), a portion of the earnings that the brand makes then goes to CiiTech’s research on cannabidiol, and cannabis, in general.

At first glance, this may seem like just a pretty cool addition to the brand’s overall reputation. However, it’s surely more than that! Think about it yourself - if, after reading some customer Provacan reviews, you decide that you want to try the company’s products out, you’ll be contributing to further research that’s done on the topic.

In turn, that research goes right back into the Provacan’s products. It’s a full-circle type of a deal, and definitely a beneficial one, for all parties involved.

Lab-Tested CBD Products

In the previous chapter, I’ve exclaimed that CBD is still a pretty controversial topic, and that it’s not regulated by the FDA in the States. Well, that doesn’t mean that there are no regulations surrounding cannabidiol-based products, in general.

You see, in order to create legal, sellable CBD products, a company has to go through some lab testings. These labs test everything surrounding the product - amounts of THC, presence of pesticides and heavy metals, general quality, and so on.

While this is truly reassuring from the consumer’s side of things, it also inspires confidence in the brand, especially if it makes its lab results public information.

The common issue here, however, is that some CBD brands try to “cheat” their way into creating an illusion that they do, in fact, sell some high-quality CBD products. How does that happen, you may ask? Well, while this isn’t something that you’d find mentioned by any customer Provacan reviews, it actually is an issue within the industry, so let me explain.

Provacan reviews: mission statement.

CBD brands will hire dependent laboratories and pay them so that their CBD products would receive good results in the testing procedures. While it’s surely one of the scummiest things that a CBD provider can do, this issue is a pretty real one, nonetheless. Sometimes, the companies are even going to “test their products themselves”, within their own labs!

When it comes to publicizing the information of their test results, these same brands will then say that the information is “public”, but will make it super-difficult to obtain - hide it in some remote corners of their website, put on some “request access” buttons, etc.

Again, though - not something that’s an issue mentioned in Provacan reviews.

Provacan does, in fact, test their CBD inventory with independent, 3rd party laboratories. While the results aren’t exactly available “with a click of a button”, they do provide them publically, too - you just need to write them a message via a special form on their site.

Needless to say, this is surely a big deal, and if anything, it makes the brand that much more trustworthy!

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Even if you’re completely new to the CBD industry, you probably know that CBD products come in a few different potencies. These potencies don’t only say how… Well… Potent the products actually are, but may also act as legal benchmarks, too (we’ll get to that in a minute).

In general, there are three types of CBD product potency (and state) that you’d be able to find online, be it via reading customer Provacan reviews or researching any other CBD brand out there - CBD isolates, broad-spectrum products, and full-spectrum ones.

CBD isolates are simply pure CBD products that come in either oil or powder form. These products contain nothing more but cannabidiol, and are considered to be completely pure. The trade-off here is that they often lack potency for many users.

Provacan reviews: the Provacan CBD oil.

Broad-spectrum CBD products are probably the most interesting and inconsistent group of the three. I mean, honestly - while writing this Provacan CBD reviews and researching CBD, in general, I’ve encountered like 7 different explanations of what broad-spectrum CBD is. For an industry-newcomer, it must be truly confusing!

In short, though, broad-spectrum CBD products contain multiple different cannabinoids (not just CBD), but are usually (keyword - USUALLY!) THC-free. This means that you’ll be able to receive the entourage effect while not having to fear that you’ll accidentally take in any THC.

Now, the type of products that customer Provacan reviews will tell you are sold by the company in question - full-spectrum CBD oils.

Full-spectrum products are the most potent of the lot, and are thus considered to be the most “effective”, whatever your interpretation of that term may be. Whether it be treating drug dependency and analyzing the effects that CBD has with some other drugs[2], or using it in order to alleviate stress and anxiety, full-spectrum CBD products should work the best.

That being said, they do usually contain some THC within them. Now, this is where the important part of the Provacan CBD oil review truly starts.

Provacan reviews: effective and versatile.

Reading through customer Provacan reviews, you won’t really encounter any mention that the company would sell “illegal CBD products”, or that customers would “get in trouble with the law”. That’s simply because of the fact that, even though we’ve established in this Provacan CBD review that the brand deals in full-spectrum products, they are completely legal in the UK.

Provacan’s CBD products, in general, should contain less than 0,1% THC. That’s way under the legal limit within the UK, so you can rest assured that all’s in-check.

Provacan Reviews: CONS

Now that we’ve covered some of the most often-referenced positive customer Provacan reviews, it wouldn’t really be a thorough Provacan CBD oil review without covering some of the less-ideal parts of the brand and it’s products, too, would it?

That’s what we’ll focus on right now - some of the better-known shortcomings of Provacan.

Relatively-New Company

While it’s probably becoming quite redundant by now, I’ll mention it one last time - the CBD industry is, to this day, shrouded in various controversies. I mention this specific fact here because it means that all of the existing CBD brands have to work extra hard in order to build a stable reputation within the industry, and be viewed as reliable sources of CBD.

While there are quite a few positive customer Provacan reviews floating online, they still seem rather cautious, nonetheless. You can’t really blame them - Provacan is still a relatively-new CBD provider in the UK, and since it stands out of the crowd as much as it does (the whole CiiTech CBD research thing), naturally, there are going to be more eyes on them.

Provacan reviews: UK-certified.

Naturally, this does not mean that you should throw this Provacan CBD reviews to the side and forget that Provacan even exists up until it becomes a top-tier player in the CBD industry. Having said that, though, be aware and cautious - do as much research as you can, and always consult with your physician before trying any new CBD products out.

Not the Biggest Assortiment of CBD Products to Pick From

As noted at the beginning of this article, CBD oil is surely the main product that customers still look for whenever they visit some CBD brands online. That being said, though, with time, the popularity of CBD keeps on increasing, and people are starting to spread their fields of interest, and look for different ways of how to consume CBD.

Many of the industry-leading brands know this, and have started offering their customers a wide assortment of different CBD products - vapes, gummies, topicals, pet products, and even some more bizarre items, such as CBD-infused toothpicks.

Provacan reviews: product selection.

Admittedly, customer Provcan reviews do point out that the brand in question offers a relatively decent choice pool of CBD products, at least as far as up-and-coming CBD providers go. That being said, though, some customers do also note that the variety of items could be bigger.

Surely, this is in part due to the fact that Provacan is still a semi-new company. Still, however, if you’re looking to try some new, revolutionary methods of how to use CBD, you might be disappointed by the lack of choice offered by the CBD provider.


Now, to finish off talking about Provacan reviews, let’s discuss the pricing options for the Provacan CBD oil.

The prices you can expect for the oil products (if you buy them from the company’s official website, that is) are:

Well, the products surely can’t be named “the most affordable CBD oil of the year”, that’s for sure. That being the case, however, the price tags are justified with the fact that the products are research-based and oriented.

Here is The Best CBDistillery Offer I Found:


So, would I recommend trying Provacan’s CBD products out?

Well, I have to agree with the majority of customer Provacan reviews and say that yes - Provacan is surely worth attention.

The company is definitely an interesting CBD provider, and does bring something new to the table. While it may not be all that suitable for industry newcomers due to the full-spectrum products that it provides, it’s surely worth keeping in mind, nonetheless.

Having said that, if you ever plan to visit the US, do make sure to check out some of the best CBD products in the entire industry, in general - perhaps you’ll get the chance to try some of them out, too?

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

Scientific References

1. Georgia Watt, Tim Karl: 'In vivo Evidence for Therapeutic Properties of Cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer's Disease'

2. Joshua D Brown, Almut G Winterstein: 'Potential Adverse Drug Events and Drug-Drug Interactions With Medical and Consumer Cannabidiol (CBD) Use'

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Recent Provacan User Reviews

5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Not a "miracle". Yes.

Can't say this is a special "miracle" CBD. From my personal experience, this one has average quality. If you want CBD product and good service. You may have found the right option.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - Provacan Owner


If money is not a problem to you, then you should definitely try this brand!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner


amazing quality, love its customer service

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Thank you!

My family pleased with service and products. Thank you Provacan!)

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Provacan Owner

1 and 2

(1) Pricey and (2) I couldn't order it so I have to ask my relatives from the UK.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

I'm satisfied

I'm satisfied with this product. It has helped me with my insomnia and migraine. Looking forward for my second bottle ;)

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Provacan Owner

liked it

Unfortunately this brand is located in UK. I cannot order it, but last summer I was working in London, tried this brand and I actually liked it.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner


Good service, fast shipping, great products, 10/10

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Review provacan

Quality is good, service is perfect. Truly clients oriented company.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Good for some things

I'm not sure about using CBD to fight cancer and other horrendous diseases but as a sedative or a sleeping aid - this one works perfectly

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Provacan Owner

high prices

tried it twice, prices are too high for me

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Provacan Owner


Shipping UK only? (4 stars in advance)

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner


I am gonna order again. Thanks!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Thank you Provacan

Just a few drops to heal and ease any pain !! Wonderful !!!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Anxiety and sleeping problems

Was taking a couple of drops under the tongue before bed. My anxiety and sleeping problems are gone. I'm simply amazed!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Short review

Great product / not a great price

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Great CBD

I don't know why it says that product selection is small. There are lots of different products. Great CBD

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.8/5.0 - Provacan Owner


Quite new brand but I'm a fan of their products?

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - Provacan Owner

Need more sales %

It would be great to have more sales and promotions. But I like Provacan CBD oils.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Provacan Owner


I have been using this brand for 2 months already. Extremely high quality service and products. Delivery always on time. Cheers, Wills

Price value
Shipping Terms


Is Provacan a trustworthy CBD product provider?

Yes, Provacan is a reliable CBD provider. While the company is still relatively new in the CBD industry, it has already started building a name for itself as a research-based CBD provider that cares about the quality of their products, and about their customers, as well.

What are the prices of the Provacan CBD oil?

If you choose to purchase the Rpovacan CBD oil from the company's official website, the prices will range anywhere from £24,99 up to £119,99. Needless to say, it's surely not the most affordable CBD oil option on the market, but the prices do, in fact, reflect the quality of the product that you'd receive - at least that's what most of the customer Provacan reviews point out.

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.

Is CBD legal?

It depends on where in the world you are located. For example, in the US, CBD is technically legal in all 50 states. That being said, it still isn’t regulated by the FDA, and a subject for continuous controversies and disagreements.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.