There’s this cannabinoid everyone keeps talking about, you must’ve guessed it, it’s CBD. CBD oil products are everywhere, and the articles talking about it are numerous. But what about another cannabinoid, CBN vs CBD? What’s there to compare?
Most people know a lot about the benefits of CBD, but they're not familiar with how exactly it affects us and where it derives from. Even fewer people are acquainted with these aspects of CBN. So, let’s lift the fog and find out all about them, see the similarities of CBN vs CBD, as well as the differences of CBN vs CBD.
What benefits CBN has compared to CBD?
CBN and CBD have many of the same properties of helping with decreased pain, decreased inflammation, decreased anxiety, and prolonged sleep patterns. However, CBN has shown to have more enhanced results in the challenges of anxiety and sleep. It is interesting to note that CBD has more affinity to suppress appetite vs CBN that stimulates appetite. Therefore, CBN has tremendous potential to aid in the symptomatic relief of the challenges of anxiety, sleep, and weight loss in prolonged illnesses such as Cancer, Parkinson’s, Anxiety Syndrome, and many more.
Table of Contents
What is CBD?
The first thing that’s important to mention in this CBN vs CBD guide is what is CBD. CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the more than a hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Actually, it’s one of the two main components of the cannabis plant, along with THC.
Just like THC, CBD is also psychoactive. But the effects you feel are much lighter. That means you definitely will not experience the high feeling or feel euphoric after taking some CBD. Some see it as a perk, that it doesn’t impair you, while others would prefer it to have the effect of psychoactiveness.
Just because it’s not psychoactive, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect you. In fact, the effects CBD has on you are numerous. CBD works by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a biological system is your body that’s full of endocannabinoid receptors.
The most important ones are the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors can be found in your brain and CB2 ones are in your immune cells. Unlike THC, CBD does not bind to the CB1 nor to the CB2 receptors. Instead, it stimulates both types of receptors.
The reason why it’s important is that the system along with the receptors is responsible for a variety of functions in your body. These functions include, but aren’t limited to, appetite, sleep, movement, coordination, pain, and inflammation.
That’s why CBD is so multi-purposeful. By targeting your endocannabinoid system it manages to balance all of these functions. What’s also important to note when talking about CBD vs CBN is that there are a plethora of CBD products available.
The most popular option is CBD oil. However, your choice pool is much broader than that. You could use CBD vape oils, CBD gummies, or various other CBD products. If you’re curious and want to try them out, check out some of the best providers including Charlotte’s Web, Green Roads, and NuLeaf.
What is CBN?
When it comes to CBN vs CBD, there is a slight difference between them. Both of these cannabinoids derive from the same plant, but that doesn’t change the fact that these two are not the same.
CBN stands for cannabinol, and it’s a cannabinoid that isn’t present in the cannabis plant at all times. In fact, it becomes present when THC ages. In fresh cannabis, there’s no CBN, although when THC starts deteriorating, CBN appears.
So, mostly CBN is found in older cannabis. The fact that it derives from THC might make us think that it is as psychoactive as THC is. But it isn’t really the truth. There are a few different claims when it comes to CBN. Some state that CBN is not psychoactive, while others say that CBN can be slightly psychoactive.
That might be a little confusing, but even if CBN is mildly psychoactive, you wouldn’t experience a full-blown high feeling you would get after consuming THC. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take precautions.
You should be taking CBN in a safe environment and should also avoid performing any tasks that take responsibility after consuming it. If you notice that this cannabinoid doesn’t impair you, you may become less careful when taking CBN.
CBN is most often advertised as a sleep aid. That makes sense since CBN is known to be a sedative. So, if you were looking for CBN products, the first thing you’d probably find would be CBN for sleep. However, it’s not as broadly advertised as CBD is.
The good news is that you can get CBN with your CBD oil. However, it’s important to mention in this CBN vs CBD guide, that not all CBD oils contain CBN. There are three types of CBD oils, pure isolates, broad-spectrum CBD oils full-spectrum CBD oils.
The ones you should opt for if you want it to include CBN are either full or broad-spectrum. The difference between them is that full-spectrum will include THC, while in the broad-spectrum one THC will be absent.
Similarities of CBN vs CBD
Now that you’ve learned what both of these cannabinoids are, it’s time to compare CBD vs CBN. While they’re two different cannabinoids, they still share some similarities. Let’s figure them out.
Good for Sleep
One thing that unites both CBD and CBN is that they’re both good for sleep. CBD has been praised by many users for raising the sleep quality and helping people to fall asleep easier. Many people choose to take CBD before bed to help them sleep better.
Studies show that CBD actually increases the REM sleep cycle[1] and regulates sleep better. Furthermore, this study showed that CBD increased the overall amount of sleep, meaning that people were able to get more rest. It’s also said to help prevent insomnia and some people claim that it reduces nightmares that they have.
When it comes to CBN vs CBD, there isn’t a big difference here, because CBN is usually promoted as a sleep aid. And there’s a good reason for that. CBN is known to be a sedative that functions well as a sleep aid.
Some studies on rats conducted in 1995 show that CBN increases sleep time.[2] CBN’s research dates way back. In fact, it was the first cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. It was first believed that CBN is responsible for the intoxicating high effect on cannabis.
Now that science has progressed and more is known about different cannabinoids, it’s been found out that while CBN isn’t the best for achieving a high, it works very well for sleep.
So, if you’re looking to get better sleep, you can choose either one of these cannabinoids. However, you’re best off combining both of them to get the entourage effect. To get that, try to get your hands on either full or broad-spectrum CBD oils.
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One more thing worth mentioning in this CBN vs CBD guide is that they’re both anti-inflammatories. That means that by using both of these cannabinoids you’ll likely be able to get rid of pain and inflammation.
One of the conditions CBN is known to be good for treating is arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of a joint or multiple joints that results in pain and often difficulty moving due to the pain and inflammation of joints.
There are various ways to treat arthritis, the most drastic of them being having surgery. However, there are people who choose to avoid taking such drastic measures. More often than not they try to search for natural remedies. And CBN can be helpful in this case.
CBD is also great for relieving inflammation. Studies show that CBD has anti-inflammatory functions.[3] CBD affects inflammation by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. Having the receptors affected you experience pain and inflammation relief.
So, if you’re struggling with any condition that might result in pain and inflammation you could probably benefit from using either of these cannabinoids.
One more reason why this CBN vs CBD guide is needed is that there’s one more similarity when it comes to comparing CBD vs CBN. The similarity is their psychoactiveness. Both of them are slightly psychoactive, and CBN is known to be more psychoactive than CBD is.
That means that it is possible to feel high after consuming it. However, it’s worth mentioning that it would take a huge amount of CBN in order to get a feeling that’s anywhere close to the feeling you get after consuming THC.
CBN is a sedative but it’s definitely not as psychoactive as the psychedelic THC. So, you definitely might feel something after consuming CBN, but it won’t likely impair you as much as THC would. But that still means that you should take some precautions.
CBN just like all the other cannabinoids affects everyone differently, so you can never know what to expect. You should make sure you first take CBN in a safe environment to see the effect it has on you. Behind the wheel isn’t the best option to first take CBN, as it might impair your motor functions.
On the other hand, when it comes to CBN vs CBD, CBD differs slightly from CBN. Although CBD is quite psychoactive too. Some people claim that CBD might make them feel more relaxed or, in some cases, even sleepy making it psychoactive.
If you’re looking to try out cannabinoids to ease any ailments, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that they're psychoactive. You should keep in mind that you could expect some impairment or altering of mood when taking cannabinoids.
Differences of CBN vs CBD
Now that we’ve talked about the similarities of CBN vs CBD, it’s time to talk about the difference between CBD and CBN. While these cannabinoids do share some similar qualities, there are some cardinal differences. So, let’s figure out the difference between CBD and CBN.
One more aspect why CBN vs CBD guide is required is that they differ in the way they affect your appetite. Both of them are said to have a significant effect on your appetite, although they tend to be completely opposite.
CBD is said to reduce appetite. Some people swear by CBD to make them lose weight. They say that it makes them feel less hungry and also helps them metabolize food better. Their statements might be true.
Studies show that CBD lowered appetite in rats.[4] The results show that rats that were given CBD ended up eating less than when they weren’t given any. While results on humans are lacking, judging by this study on rodents we might speculate that CBD would affect us similarly.
On the other hand, CBN is said to have a completely different effect. CBN, just like THC, is said to raise appetite. The same study shows that rats that were given CBN ended up having higher appetites.
Being an appetite stimulant is an often overlooked quality. In fact, it can be very beneficial. Lots of patients suffering from different illnesses struggle with appetite loss due to the treatment or the illness itself. That can often lead to malnutrition.
Malnutrition is no joke. It can have severe consequences for people. When your organism doesn’t get enough nutrients it might result in symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, various aches, and other unpleasant occurrences. That’s when CBN comes in handy.
So this is another point to pay attention to when choosing between CBN vs CBD. If you’re looking to boost your appetite, you should opt for CBN. However, if you’d like to lower your appetite to prevent overeating, you might be better choosing CBD.
When it comes to CBN vs CBD, there are quite a few similarities. Both of these cannabinoids derive from the same plant, both of them are good for sleep and offer an anti-inflammatory effect, hence both of them are psychoactive.
However, they also differ. They have different effects on your appetite: CBD suppresses it, while CBN stimulates it.
Both of these cannabinoids have different qualities. However, if what you prefer is CBD, you should stick to it. If you’re looking for the best CBD products, check out our guide on the best CBD oils to find oil for you!
Contributed By Bryan Woods, Compounding Pharmacist
Bryan Woods brings over 35 years of experience to the Double Down CBD team, with the last 20 years specializ...
Read Full Bio...Scientific References
Contributed by Bryan Woods, Compounding Pharmacist
1. Chagas M., Crippa J., Zuardi A. et al. 'Effects of acute systemic administration of cannabidiol on sleep-wake cycle in rats.'
2. Yoshida H, Usami N., Ohishi Y., et al. 'Synthesis and pharmacological effects in mice of halogenated cannabinol derivatives.'
3. Petrosino S., Verde R., Vaia M., et al. 'Anti-inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoid, in Experimental Allergic Contact Dermatitis.'
4. Farrimond J., Whalley B., Williams C. 'Cannabinol and cannabidiol exert opposing effects on rat feeding patterns.'
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