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CBD coronavirus: medical mask.

COVID-19 or coronavirus is currently a global concern. While the majority of people are taking precautionary measures to avoid getting infected, it seems that the number of deaths is growing exponentially. As of April 3, there are 1,016,330 confirmed coronavirus cases all over the world

When it comes to fighting coronavirus, people are looking for different ways to improve their immune system. High-quality CBD oil is one of the options that the increasing number of people choose. However, that’s not the only issue that we’re experiencing at this time. 

Since the situation seems uncontrollable, global panic is becoming one of the most serious concerns. That’s something that was to be expected, after all, this is the largest quarantine in human history. 

To avoid panicking, we should all strongly focus on our mental and spiritual well-being. While mindfulness and meditation can be really helpful at this point, if you also use potent CBD oil, you’ll gain even more benefits. 

"CBD coronavirus" - the combination of these two words is being heard quite frequently these days. The most common questions that people ask are: “does CBD oil kill viruses?”, “is CBD antiviral?”. These are the major questions that I’ll be focusing on in this article. 

Thus, if you want to find out more information about CBD coronavirus, read further. 

CBD Coronavirus: How Can CBD Help Throughout this Period?

While CBD is definitely not the cure to coronavirus, there are multiple ways how it can help you to survive this harsh period. Thus, when it comes to CBD coronavirus, there are certain aspects that you’ll be thrilled to know. 

CBD can not only improve your immune system but also have beneficial effects on your well-being. Both of these aspects are vital. Therefore, let’s move further and find out more details about coronavirus and CBD. 

Is CBD Oil Antiviral? 

Currently, there are no studies that would show that CBD can help to treat coronavirus. However, cannabinoids can be helpful when it comes to killing viruses in general. Many of you have been asking: “is CBD antiviral?”, “does CBD oil kill viruses?”. These are the questions that I would like to focus on. 

CBD coronavirus: CBD oil.

There are multiple studies on cannabinoids and viral infections. The research that was performed in 2010[1] examined the effects of cannabinoids and their antagonists in viral infections. Based on the study, they might act through CB1 or the CB2 receptors that are found in different types of cells. 

The study stated that cannabinoids can be effective at relieving pain and can also induce hyperphagia that might be beneficial in cancer. When it comes to the question is CBD antiviral, the research found that cannabinoid treatment was successful when viral-induced host responses lead to immunopathology or in persistent infection of the central nervous system caused by a non-lytic virus, BDV

However, the study also found that when it comes to other virus infections, including latent infections that are caused by HIV-1 or HSV-1, and the liver infection caused by HCV, cannabinoids can even worsen the situation. 

Another research that was performed in 2017[2] found that cannabidiol can be a potential treatment of viral hepatitis. The study found that CBD has antiviral properties against HCV. Based on the results, it’s clear that CBD is antiviral, however, when it comes to CBD oil and coronavirus, the situation is unclear. 

CBD coronavirus: CBD oil laboratory.

Hopefully, more studies will be performed on CBD and different types of viruses and we’ll find out more about its antiviral properties.

So, when it comes to the question “does CBD oil kill viruses?”, the answer depends on many variables, mostly on the type of the virus. When it comes to CBD coronavirus, unfortunately, there are no studies that would reveal positive or negative effects that CBD has on coronavirus. 

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CBD for Mental Well-Being

This period is very difficult for all of us, however, it’s crucial not to overlook spiritual and mental well-being. The number of people who are choosing CBD to deal with anxiety during this stressful time is growing rapidly. That’s for a good reason. 

The study based on the antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol [3]revealed anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. Also, it became clear that there’s an interaction between CBD and the 5-HT1A neuro-receptor that is a subtype of serotonin. 

CBD coronavirus: woman taking CBD oil.

The study that was conducted in 2015[4] showed that CBD is efficient in reducing anxiety behaviors that are related to different disorders, such as GAD, PD, OCD, SAD, and others. In general, this research highlights the potential value that CBD has on anxiety. Hence, anxiety is one of the most common issues when it comes to coronavirus and CBD can help you at coping with it. 

Another aspect that proves CBD can be helpful for your mental well-being is that it shows many potentials in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The research found[5] that CBD has antipsychotic properties and is anxiolytic. 

However, it’s crucial to pay attention here. While hemp-derived CBD that’s non-psychoactive is associated with much lower degrees of psychotic symptoms, cannabis-derived CBD that contains high levels of THC can work negatively. 

That being said, if you want to deal with anxiety, you should choose products that have high levels of CBD and untraceable amounts of THC. Such CBD oil is offered by the majority of reputable brands. 

The final aspect that’s related to both CBD oil and coronavirus is sleep. During this period, many people are suffering from insomnia. I sometimes have this issue myself. However, when it comes to CBD, studies suggest that it can be highly beneficial for those who cannot fall and stay asleep during the night. 

The research that was performed on 72 adults[6] and aimed to evaluate the positive effects that CBD has on anxiety and sleep, revealed that: 

  • Anxiety scores decreased in 57 patients during the first month and remained this way throughout the entire trial period;
  • Sleep scores improved in 48 patients in the first month of the research. 

Therefore, the benefits of CBD oil are undeniable. If this period is too stressful and you’re experiencing anxiety as well as an inability to sleep on a daily basis, you should choose the products from the most reliable CBD brands and enjoy all the benefits. 

CBD coronavirus: CBD oil.

It’s not clear when this coronavirus period is going to end. Thus, the best we can do is stay calm, take care of our mental health and stay at home as often as possible. 

CBD Brands That You Should Consider

I’ve already revealed all the aspects regarding CBD coronavirus, the positive effects of CBD. To remind you one more time, CBD can help you to deal with stress, anxiety, and even insomnia. When incorporating CBD oil together with meditation, you can feel the inner calmness, even in this period of global panicking. 

For this reason, I want to provide you with the recommended CBD brands that offer the most potent and effective CBD oil. Let’s get right to it. 

cbdMD comparison
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CBDistillery comparison

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Table: The top-3 CBD brands in the current industry


When it comes to CBD oil and coronavirus, cbdMD is the first company that pops into my head. The brand was founded in 2015 and offers the most potent broad-spectrum CBD oil. Differently from full-spectrum CBD, it contains 0% of THC. 

This provider is so popular due to the quality and effectiveness of their products. All of them are sourced from USA-grown industrial hemp and tested in third-party labs to ensure potency and purity. If you’re here for coronavirus and CBD products, this brand might be the perfect option for you. 

To avoid direct contact with other people during the pandemic, you can always order CBD products online from cbdMD and get them delivered to your doorstep. This is the safest method when it comes to CBD coronavirus. 

cbdMD offers multiple products to choose from, including CBD oils, topicals, edibles, capsules, sleep aids, and so much more. The price completely depends on the products and the potency option you go for. cbdMD CBD oil pricing varies from $29,99 to $339,99. 

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CBDistillery is one of the industry giants. The company was established in 2016 and has maintained an amazing reputation. The major CBDistillery focus is the quality and potency of their products. When you get these qualities, you can also expect effectiveness. 

CBDistillery offers one of the most potent full-spectrum CBD oils. People are often concerned about the amounts of THC in full-spectrum CBD oil, but let me just tell you that the company sticks to the federal regulations and makes sure their CBD oil contains no more than 0.3% of THC. 

One of the reasons why I wanted to introduce you to this brand when talking about “CBD coronavirus” is the fact that CBDistillery offers a variety of products to choose from. Since we all find it super boring to stay at home all the time, why not to try different forms of CBD and bring some colors into your routine. 

On CBDistillery site, you’ll be able to find oils, isolates, gummies, topicals, capsules, vapes, pet products, and many other options. The company encourages you to stay at home and order products online. That’s why they offer free shipping on all orders. 

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Charlotte’s Web 

Charlotte’s Web is one of the most experienced CBD brands that came into the market back in 2011. The company has a natural mindset and makes sure that all of their products are safe and effective. 

All of the products that the company is offering are sourced from non-GMO, organically grown hemp. Also, each batch is sent to third-party labs for testing. This is the only way to make sure that you get what’s advertised

If you came to this “CBD coronavirus” article to find different product options, this was definitely worth it. Charlotte's Web has such a variety of CBD goodies to pick from that everyone will easily find an option based on personal wants and needs. 

Charlotte’s Web offers CBD oil, capsules, topicals, gummies, isolates, pet products, and so many more products. Since the CBD coronavirus situation is very sensitive to the company, they offer delivery through FedEx, UPS and the USPS. That’s a very safe, contactless method. 

Charlotte’s Web is known for its amazing price-quality ratio. The pricing of their full-spectrum CBD oil varies from $74,99 to $188,99. 

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If you decide that CBD is worth giving a try, you should definitely consider these brands. There’s a reason why they’re evaluated as the best ones. 


Therefore, when it comes to the antiviral properties of CBD, there have been some studies that revealed the positive effects on certain types of viruses, including viral hepatitis. However, research also showed the negative outcomes that CBD might have on latent infections that are caused by HIV-1 or HSV-1, and the liver infection caused by HCV. 

However, it’s also crucial to understand in this “CBD coronavirus” article that one of the major concerns in this situation is our mental well-being. This global pandemic has brought so much panic that, at some point, can do even more damage than the virus itself. 

Knowing that CBD can be helpful at dealing with anxiety, stress, insomnia, and other similar issues, it’s a perfect alternative to traditional medication that has multiple side effects. 

You can easily find multiple reputable brands online that offer the highest quality CBD oil. The majority of them ship products for free, straight to your doorstep, which means there’s very minimal contact and safe for everyone. 

Therefore, don’t lose your head over this entire situation, we’re all in this together.

Hopefully, this “CBD coronavirus” article managed to answer all of your questions. 

Scientific References

1. Carol Shoshkes Reiss: 'Cannabinoids and Viral Infections'

2. Henry I. C. Lowe, Ngeh J. Toyang, and Wayne McLaughlin: 'Potential of Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Viral Hepatitis'

3. de Mello Schier AR, de Oliveira Ribeiro NP, Coutinho DS, et al.: Antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol: a chemical compound of Cannabis sativa.'

4. Esther M. Blessing, Maria M. Steenkamp, Jorge Manzanares, et al.: 'Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders'

5. Maria Scherma, Paolo Masia, Matteo Deidda, et al.:'New Perspectives on the Use of Cannabis in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders'

6. Scott Shannon, Nicole Lewis, Heather Lee, et al.: 'Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series'

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Recent User Reviews

CBD vs media

I’m really saddened by the role of media in this crisis, it’s like they causing more fear and panic. Cbd is more than needed.

No enough studies

Too bad there are not enough studies about cbd in general. If more studies were done, i think that, by now, we would proven if it has or not antiviral effects on covid.


Yep, i agree. A lot of people including me are suffering from Insomnia, i think i will try cbd for this.


I will buy some cbdmd broad spectrum oil, i really need it for my anxiety and stress during this period.

I need to get some cbd

I really need to get some cbd, i'm really strugling to sleep, i hope it will end soon!

People should really consider cbd

Very often neglected, i think that people should more consider cbd during this period. Because even people who are safe physically, are suffering mentally, and cbd would really help them.


I just ordered their oil because of my insomnia problems, thanks for your recommendation!

CBD is very helpful

CBD is really helpful for people who are stressed or anxious, definitely a good option!


Thank you for this awesome article, good luck with your next ones.

Charlotte's web

It's great that it cas be used as suplement, but it's a little bit expensive compared to the others.

Brilliant content!

Absolutely brilliant content, easy to understand and very informative!

Great article

I loved this article, valuable and rich content thank you.

CbdMD is the more convenient

I think that currently, CbdMD products are the more convenient to the current situation.

Insomnia issues

cbd helped me a lot with my insomnia issues, very efficient!

Always learning new things!

You articles are always helpful, i’m always learning new things while reading you.

A mental cure

It’s not a cure for the coronavirus itself, but i think it is a cure for people out there who are panicking about this outbreak.

Interesting topic

Thanks for talking about such important topic, you will help a lot of people.

I agree with you

I totally agree, the majority of people have these issues, cbd should be used widely.

Well said

I agree with you, the panic and stress may cause more damage than the virus itself, cbd should be used in this case.

cbd should be more popular

I think cbd should be more popular especially with the current global crisis.


How can CBD help me during the coronavirus?

CBD can help you to maintain mental and spiritual health. Since this period is very difficult and scary to all of us, stages of sleep can help you to deal with stress, anxiety, and insomnia that many of us are experiencing at the moment.

Is CBD oil antiviral?

CBD oil has antiviral properties, however, it affects individual viruses differently. Studies that revealed the positive effects on certain types of viruses, including viral hepatitis. However, research also showed the negative outcomes that CBD might have on latent infections that are caused by HIV-1 or HSV-1, and the liver infection caused by HCV. 

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.

How is AllbestCBDoil different from any other websites that write CBD oil reviews?

AllbestCBDoil is an investigative initiative. The team behind the project is working hard at finding & filtering thousands of user reviews. We deeply investigate products by creating expert documentations, all to provide readers with the most accurate information possible. We are independent & completely unbiased. Unlike some other review sites, AllbestCBDoil cares about your wellness & always aims to uncover the truth behind each CBD brand. We do not compete with other review websites - instead, we focus on the most truthful content.

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.