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With the CBD industry booming, potential customers are looking for the “next best thing” to feed their CBD cravings. At the same time, there’s an emerging market of cheap CBD knock-offs that are trying to capitalize on this rising trend. In order to avoid falling for one of these scams, we bring you some essential Green Roads CBD reviews.

Green Roads is one of the bigger CBD providers - that’s good! It means that you can automatically rest assured that you’re not going to be scammed and will receive exactly what you order.

That being said, though… Judging by the Green Roads reviews, is the company even worth paying attention to, in the first place? Or should you look for a fix of CBD somewhere else?

Well… Let’s find out.

TL;DR: Green Roads is an industry-leading CBD product provider. The company's products possess undetectable traces of THC, are made from organic hemp, and enriched with potency. If you can survive the sometimes-uncomfortable shipping process, chances are that you're going to be happy with what you get - that’s pretty evident from all of the positive Green Roads CBD reviews.


  • Harvested in Colorado, processed in Florida
  • Trace amounts of THC
  • High concentration of CBD
  • Organic hemp


  • Shipping might be unpredictable
  • Some people don't like the taste

Green Roads CBD Review: PROS

There are a few different ways of how we can approach discussing the legitimacy of the company in question. I’m not going to bore you with the technical stuff, though - I could go on for an hour of how different CBD extraction methods are better than their counterparts, but I’ll try to keep it simple and to-the-point.

Green Roads CBD review: the team of Green Roads.

That being said, we’ll start off the Green Roads CBD review by talking about the positive side of the company’s products. And just to be clear, when I say products, I’m talking about CBD oil, unless specified otherwise. We’ll cover the range of what Green Roads has to offer - that goes without saying. However, the focus of the review will remain on the oil.

3rd Party Lab Tests

One of the most notable pros that you’ll see many Green Roads CBD reviews mention is the fact that the company’s CBD products are being tested by 3rd party labs. All of the results are available on the official website.

That’s huge.

First of all, it’s not mandatory to display these results in public. Doing so, however, shows the company’s transparency - that’s always well appreciated, given that you are planning to purchase a product from them that you’re going to consume.

Green Roads CBD review: independent lab tests.

The true beauty here, however, lies in the fact that Green Roads actually went through the trouble of testing their product with a third-party lab. If you’re not aware, 3rd party lab tests are completely unbiased and straightforward - if there was a problem with the CBD products offered by Green Roads, the tests would show them in no time.

As some Green Roads CBD reviews will tell you, this is pretty significant. Some CBD-offering companies hire their own private labs to skew the test results and make them appear as legitimate CBD product providers when, in reality, they are all but that.

Long story short, the fact that Green Roads CBD oil reviews talk about 3rd party lab testing is probably one of the biggest strengths of the company in question.

Different Potencies Available

Different people are going to prefer different potencies with their CBD products. While it is true that most people would prefer stronger CBD concentrations (that’s actually quite evident from the majority of Green Roads CBD reviews), the preferences might still vary.

Given that, it’s really cool when you come across a CBD product provider that offers products with different potencies that would suit each individual customer’s wants and needs. Green Roads is one such provider.

Focusing on the oil, you will find that there are different products available on the Green Roads’ official website. These products come in different concentrations - they are designed to suit everyone from beginner users all the way up to experienced CBD lovers.

A Streamlined Process of CBD Extraction

Some Green Roads World reviews mention this, but there are a few different methods of extracting CBD from hemp plants. All of these methods are in use by different CBD providing companies, but not all of them are created equal.

Over the years, a conclusion has been met that the best way to extract CBD is via the so-called “CO2 method”. This method has a few advantages over its competitors, but the main ones would probably be the fact that, with CO2, one may extract the purest from of CBD, and that there are but minimal amounts of THC found in the oil afterwards.

Green Roads CBD review: the features of the Green Roads CBD products.

Multiple Green Roads CBD reviews will tell you how the company has a polished and perfected method of getting their final product. Once the hemp is grown, Green Roads use CO2 to guarantee the purity of the hemp extract. After that, the company’s “licensed compounding pharmacist” transforms the above-mentioned extract into the final product.

If what they say is true, then Green Roads have definitely streamlined their processess to a T. However, there are some mistrustful Green Roads CBD oil reviews of people not really trusting what the company says about their production practices.

Well, if anything, you can at least be sure that their products are natural.

Organic Hemp Grown and Handled in the US

Knowing where the hemp for your CBD products comes from is somewhat of an interesting topic. Some people are adamant that this information is essential, while others don’t seem to have a care in the world.

Needless to say, I would have to agree with the former group of people.

If you don’t know (don’t look into) where the hemp is grown, farmed and processed, you become completely oblivious to the products that you’re using. What if it’s grown in a field that’s watered with some poisonous water? Or what if it’s harvested so that there are ample amounts of THC in every batch?

Green Roads CBD review: hemp grown in American farms.

Knowing this information is important - for peace of mind, if anything! And, reading through Green Roads CBD reviews, it becomes evident that the company not only knows this, but also cares about it.

Green Roads’ hemp is grown in Colorado. Believe it or not, that’s actually one of the most popular places to grow hemp. After being fully grown and harvested via the before-talked about CO2 method, the substance is then taken to Florida. Long story short, the entire process of Greann Roads’ production takes place in the US.

While there are qualms between CBD products and the FDA, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any regulations in place in the US - there are. These regulations help to make sure that the CBD oils, gummies, vapes, and everything in between that are made in the US are up-to-standard and good to be used.

While this isn’t something that many Green Roads CBD reviews talk about, it’s still nice to know that the products you’re using are safe and officially approved.

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Trace (Undetectable) Amounts of THC

In any of the Green Roads reviews that you’ll come across, there are constantly two big terms being thrown around - CBD and THC.

CBD - cannabidiol - is pretty self-explanatory. That’s the thing that you want - it’s a product made out of hemp flower, stem and leaf extract that people use in order to deal with insomnia, anxiety and other, similar issues.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), however, is different. You know when people always talk about how marijuana gets you “high”? Well, this high is induced by THC. Needless to say, it’s illegal in most places around the world, since it is considered a drug.

Green Roads CBD review: testing raw materials.

Some Green Roads CBD reviews go into various technicalities and laws, but I’m not going to bore you with it (especially since these differ from state to state). The general rule, however, is that a CBD product should not exceed the THC norm of 0,3%.

While most CBD product providers easily comply with this rule, Green Roads take it a step further. While they meet the standard of 0,3% THC with their initial product, the company also reduces that same level until it becomes non-detectable.

Green Roads CBD Review: CONS

Right, so - we’ve established the fact that there are plenty of positive Green Roads CBD reviews out there. In general, people seem to love the brand and the products behind it… But do they really?

In order to find that out, let’s take a look at some of the Green Roads complaints.

Not the Tastiest CBD Oil Around

This is honestly the No. 1 complaint that you’re likely to come across while reading Green Roads World reviews online.

Taste is subjective - that’s a fact. However, there are quite a few people who seem to be unhappy with how Green Roads oil tastes. Since the company uses organic hemp, there’s bound to be that signature aftertaste lingering after you consume the oil.

Green Roads CBD review: award-winning CBD products.

While it’s definitely not a problem for most people, some customers do claim that the before-mentioned aftertaste is a bit stronger than with other CBD product providers. Just something to keep in mind if that’s important to you.

Unpredictable Shipping

One of the more commonly-referenced issues as far as Green Roads CBD reviews are concerned, the shipping of the company’s products have been up for debate on online forums and “Green Roads reviews” sites for quite some time now.

Customers claim that there is no clear way of telling how long their products are going to take to come to them. The shipping speeds appear to be somewhat unpredictable, but most of the time they seem to take longer than first intended.

Green Roads do ship to all of the 50 states, however, so that’s a pretty cool thing to keep in mind.


Now, at this point, you should have a pretty good idea about Green Roads. We’ve compiled and analyzed the majority of credible Green Roads World reviews, and discussed the main points that were worth mentioning.

However, there’s still one important point left to talk about - price.

I won’t list the price tags of all of the products that Green Roads have in stock. Instead, we’re going to focus on the CBD oil - after all, according to Green Roads CBD oil reviews, that’s the most popular product the company offers.

These are the prices for the CBD oil. And, well… Taking a single look at them, you can probably tell that the “Price” section of this article belongs to the cons.

The oil is expensive. What I found to be interesting is that the vast majority of Green Roads CBD reviews didn’t really bat an eye about this. Some customers did mention that the prices are comparatively high, but almost everyone brushed it off on one, single aspect.

The product being really good.

It’s strange, really, since there are companies that offer 5000mg of CBD oil at half the price of Green Road’s 3500mg version. You would think that at least the one-stop shoppers would have something to say about this, but that’s really not the case at all.

If anything, these Green Roads CBD reviews just go to show how much customers enjoy the oil.

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So, we’ve reached the very end of our article. We’ve gone through and talked about various different Green Roads CBD reviews, flushed out the most significant pros and cons of GR’s CBD oil, and saw what the customers think about the prices of that oil.

Is Green Roads really worth all of that attention? Is it worth investing your time and interest in this company and its mission?

Well, judging from all of the positive reviews, I would say that that’s a no-brainer.

Green Roads is, without a doubt, one of the most trusted and loved CBD product providers in the entire industry. They’ve built a solid name for themselves, mostly on the fact that they provide organic, potent, and trace amounts of THC-possessing products.



Natural hemp


Broad Spectrum CBD Oil 3500 mg
Hemp Seed Oil
Kosher-Grade Vegetable
Proprietary Terpene Blend



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Table: The features of Green Roads CBD products

All three of those points are super-important! People like potent products, and they don’t want to fail drug tests or get in trouble with the law. The fact that they can have both of these things in the shape of an organic product makes it that much better.

In conclusion, if you’re on the hunt for a decent CBD product, Green Roads might just be the company to check out.

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

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Recent Green Roads User Reviews

5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Works so WELL

IT Works so well for me great CBD products and service.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Great company

Great company and product.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Full spectrum CBD oil

Green roads full spectrum CBD oil worth the money

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


I placed my order around 6 days ago and received it only now. Shipping could be a lot faster. Please do something with this

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

High score

I have been very satisfied with the pain relieving effect. Excellent service and excellent product.

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Had some problems..

Had some problems with my delivery address... luckily managed to solve this problem with customer agent service

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Helped with my sleep issues

Since I started using their products I noticed that my sleep issues become less noticeable. I recommend to start with a small 250mg bottle cuz even such amount will be enough to understand the quality. Don't be afraid people

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


Top products, reasonable prices, best service

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Great product. Thank you!

I suffer from arthritis and sometimes it gives me so much pain that I even decided to use CBD products. Never used it before. I chose Green Roads because of good reviews and the way how brand provided whole information about CBD, how it works, their products. I ordered it and it arrived in matter of few days! And I'm still amazed how fast this oil can help and relieve my pain. Like a few minutes and you feel no more pain. Thank you Green Roads for such a wonderful experience!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

CBD capsules are more convenient

I don't like the taste so I prefer CBD capsules. Also they are more convenient to take it with myself somewhere

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

More expensive

I agree that green roads cbd oil is more expensive. I absolutely love their service... even so their prices could be lower.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

best CBD

"surprising" pricing although the best CBD ive found so far

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.8/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Good quality produc

Not the lowest price on teh market, but you pay for quality

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Purchased and Tried

Purchased and Tried their product. Personally I don't like the taste though effect is really noticable one. Not watery like some other Cbd products

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


Best product for best price!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


Excellent product and reasonable pricing

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

They ship quickly

Well they shipquickly. Actually I was a little worried because several people and review itself had some complains about shipping. I'm glad with the quality though!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

good company

i have no complaints whatsoever so i can recommend this company

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

High level of quality

My brother started using their products after sustaining spinal injuries. We have tried lots of different companies and only Green roads always keep their quality at a high level.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Highly recom

This brand is famous for their quality. I highly recom it for everyone who suffers from anxiety

Price value
Shipping Terms


Will drug tests detect THC after consuming Green Roads CBD products?

Most customer Green Roads CBD reviews online talk about how the company takes extra steps to make sure that there are non-detectable levels of THC in their products. That said, you should always look for expert opinions on the matter.

Is Green Roads CBD oil overpriced?

While the Green Roads CBD oil is definitely on the more expensive side of things, very few people consider it "overpriced". Most customers agree that the quality matches the price tags in question.

Are Green Roads a legitimate CBD brand?

Yes, Green Roads is an established CBD brand with a good reputation - most people would tell you that their products can be trusted.

Are Green Roads CBD products tested by third-party labs?

All of Green Roads' products are tested by an independent, third-party lab. This means that all of the tests are going to be unbiased and in-line with the official norms and regulations.

Do Green Roads ship nationwide?

Green Roads ship their CBD products to all 50 of the US states.

Are Green Roads CBD products potent?

Most Green Roads customers appear to be pretty happy with the potency and concentration of the CBD oil products.