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Let’s face it - proper and decent CBD oil providers aren’t all that easy to come by. However, there are companies that brand themselves as being truly transparent and trustworthy - in this Fab CBD review, we’ll take a look and see whether or not this company deserves the two above-mentioned titles.

Today, many of the brands that associate themselves with CBD like to use terms such as “natural”, “full-spectrum” or “pure”. This can really confuse a person who’s just entering the industry, and looking for their very first CBD product. Don’t worry - as we shift through the various different aspects of Fab reviews, I’ll clear up any and all terminology.

So, without further ado, let’s go straight to the pros of the Fab CBD reviews.

TL:DR: Customer Fab CBD reviews are quite positive - people seem to genuinely like the company and the products that it sells. While there are some that complain about the lack of product variety or potency, the majority of users seem content with the "price VS quality" ratio of the CBD oil.


  • Third-party lab tested products
  • GMO-free
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Hemp grown in Colorado


  • Small product selection
  • Might not be potent enough for some

Fab CBD Reviews: PROS

As you’ll quickly notice, it’s no secret that Fab CBD is one of the more likable companies that deal with CBD products. The general opinion about the company - judging from the customer Fab CBD reviews, that is - seems to be rather positive.

Fab CBD review: the logo of the company.

With that, there are a few distinct criteria that every CBD-dealing brand should meet in order to earn the trust and love of potential customers. And frankly, at the top of the importance pyramid of these criteria lies third-party lab testing.

Fab CBD Products Are Tested by Third-Party Labs

Now, straight off the bat - what is “third-party lab testing”?

While there are many (I’d even go as far to say - the majority) CBD companies that have their products tested by independent labs, there’s rarely any elaboration on how big of a deal this actually is.

Let me elaborate.

Around the States, there are special facilities that can take in a CBD product and test it for a wide range of things - pesticides, heavy metals, THC levels, and so on.

These tests are extremely important to the people who are going to use that CBD product. When all is in order, you can rest assured that the CBD oil, isolate, gummy or any other product that you’re purchasing is top-notch.

The keyword “third-party” is crucial here, though. Believe it or not, but some brands actually go to great lengths in order to skew the results of these tests. Some companies hire “dependant” labs - needless to say, the tests performed by such labs aren’t going to be very accurate and, well… Unbiased.

Other companies actually hire third-party laboratories, but hide a portion of the independent test results. While this doesn’t always mean foul play, it’s still something that should be taken pretty seriously.

Fab CBD review: what is CBD.

Now, the great thing here is that customer Fab CBD review are unanimous - the company is doing a great job with their lab tests.

Fab CBD prides itself on being a natural company - their lab results approve of that. Even though it’s pretty rare to come across a brand that would actually have a “no-independent-lab-testing” policy, it’s still pretty refreshing to know that Fab CBD is up there with the industry giants.

And that’s the other thing, too - user Fab CBD reviews will tell you that this brand is a perfect example of how you should strive to be at the top of the CBD market. What does that mean in this context? Well, basically, if you come across a CBD product provider that refuses to get their products tested by independent labs, you’ve likely run into a scam.

Natural CBD Products

A single look at the multiple Fab CBD reviews online will quickly reveal that one of the main selling points for the company’s products is the fact that they are all completely natural.

Now, what does that mean?

Well, basically, it means that during the growing processes of hemp, there are no synthetic pesticides used to “enhance” the effects of the later-produced CBD isolate and / or oil. Fab CBD’s product arrangement is completely GMO-free, is grown organically (we’ll talk about this more in-depth in a bit) and falls in-line with all of the standards of independent labs.

Hemp Grown in the US

Once you’ve started getting into the topic of CBD, you’ll soon find out that the absolute majority of the industry top-dogs grow and harvest the hemp used for their products in the US. There are exceptions, but that the general rule of thumb.

Now, why is that the case?

Fab CBD review: Fab CBD ad.

Some customer Fab CBD reviews speculate that it all falls on the topic of money - it’s cheaper to grow hemp locally rather than shipping it from, say, the EU or Scandinavian countries. Other Fab CBD oil reviews go as far as to claim that US soil is “better-suited” for growing hemp, when compared to other countries.

Well, let me tell you right now - it all falls on the topics of regulations and public trust.

Let’s tackle the “regulations” part first. As some user Fab CBD reviews will let you know, hemp grown in the US is managed by the USDA - the United States Department of Agriculture. While CBD itself still falls into a specific legal grey area in some places, hemp growth and harvesting have some clear and strict rules.

Now, when you grow your hemp locally, you can be close-to-100% sure that it’s going to be clean, fresh and up-to-standard as far as legalities and regulations are concerned. This is why such companies claim the trustworthiness of their products so boldly.

Fab CBD review: product variety.

This falls into the realm of public trust. Whenever you go to any of the customer Fab CBD reviews on their official website, you’ll immediately be greeted by a feature list. Right there, at the top you’ll see a proud exclamation that their hemp is grown in Colorado.

Colorado seems to be a very popular place to grow hemp which flowers are then used to create CBD - many of the top-ranking companies grow their produce in this state. This fact alone is a great advocate for the validity of Fab CBD’s products.

Multiple Flavor Choice

Note that while I’ll be talking about CBD oil here, multiple customer Fab CBD reviews will tell you that this is also the case with other products found on the company's site, too.

By now, it’s common knowledge that CBD oil, in itself, doesn’t taste good. When it’s in its pure form, the extract is reported to have an “earthy” taste - it’s not exactly what your average, every-day CBD user would prefer.

Now, you might say - so what’s the problem here? Just add some flavor and that’s it!

While that does seem like the obvious solution, it’s actually a bit more complicated than that. You see, there are many companies that simply drop in a few artificial tastes and that’s it. However, there are two big issues with that - first of all, these added flavors are artificial, and secondly, they usually don’t work, and simply skew the taste to an even worse version.

All of that being said, though, I’m glad that in this Fab CBD review, I’m able to state that while the company does have a somewhat wide flavor selection (citrus, mint, natural, berry, vanilla), they’re all natural and don’t ruin the overall taste and experience of the oil in question.

Fab CBD Reviews: CONS

Now, we’ve discussed the most prominent pros and benefits that customer Fab CBD reviews tend to point out. Let’s move on and take a look at some of the more common complaints that users have about the company and its products.

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Small Product Variety

CBD oil is the staple product of the industry - it’s the thing that most people focus on when talking about CBD, in general. However, as time goes on, more and more individuals sway away from the old-schooled oil products and develop a wish to try something new.

That’s exactly why you’ll find many major CBD providers offering customers products such as gummies, vape liquids, tinctures, topicals, pet food, CBD-infused toothpicks (yes, that’s a thing), bath bombs - and the list goes on and on! Frankly, it is believed that if a company wants to stay relevant and cater to as big of an audience as possible, it should broaden its product pool.

Fab CBD review: CBD oil.

That being said, multiple customer Fab CBD reviews complain about the fact that the company has but 4 products in stock - and only 3 of those products are made for humans!

Fab CBD sells CBD oil, chews, topicals and pet food. That’s it.

Now, admittedly, that might not be a problem for you at all. If what you’re looking for is exclusively CBD oil, then this isn’t a con at all. That being said, most people would still prefer to have a wider selection pool as far as their products are concerned, especially once they get into CBD and start wanting to try something new.

Lacks in Potency

Potency is also a topic that you’ll find referenced in multiple Fab CBD reviews. Or, I should probably say, the lack of it.

Most people - whether industry newcomers or CBD veterans - prefer their products to be potent. This means that they want to feel the effects (whatever they might be) in as short of an amount of time as possible from the point of taking their CBD dosage. It’s not a secret that most companies cater to this by making strong CBD products.

However, strong CBD concentration also means a likely increase in THC - the drug found in cannabis that makes people high. In order for a CBD product to be legal in the US, it has to contain no more than 0,3% of THC. Some companies walk this fine line, while others tend to stay on the safer end of things, and sacrifice a bit of potency in return.

From all of the Fab reviews, it would seem that this company falls into the latter group.

Do keep in mind that not everyone is the same, though, and what some consider low potency might be just what you need. This is especially true if you’re just starting out with CBD, and have not used it extensively before.


Finally, what’s a Fab CBD review without talking about the price tags, huh?

We’ll focus on the CBD oil that the company sells, since that’s still usually the go-to product that dictates how well a company’s doing. It’s worth to remember that the oil comes in 5 different flavors - Citrus, Mint, Natural, Berry and Vanilla. The flavors do not impact the price whatsoever.

As for the price itself, you’ll have 3 different options:

As of writing this article, there’s a promotion going on - all of the above-mentioned products are $10 cheaper. The prices I’ve told you about are the original ones, without the discount.

Honestly, I think it’s safe to say that Fab CBD is one of the more affordable companies around! Fab CBD oil reviews will tell you that this is especially true when you compare the price tags with those of other major CBD providers.

Here is The Best CBDistillery Offer I Found:


As I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this review, decent CBD product providers aren’t easy to come by. That’s pretty clear from some of the Fab reviews, too - some people are rather suspicious at first, since they’ve been burned by some lousy CBD “provider” before.

It’s pretty evident, though, that the majority of customers leave really positive Fab CBD oil reviews. Users do love the company and its products.

Fab CBD provides natural, GMO-free and independently tested CBD oils, chews, topicals and pet food. The company has a reputation for being health-conscious, providing its customers with vegan-friendly products that have been made from locally-grown hemp flower extract.

Fab CBD review: feature list.

On top of everything, Fab CBD offers free shipping to all of the 50 states in the US, and has a standard 30-day refund policy. If you change your mind and decide that you want to return the product, you’ll be able to do so and get a refund - that’s great!

All in all, I hope that you now know a lot more about Fab CBD and the topic of CBD in general, and that it’ll be easier for you to choose the right product provider for yourself. If you’re looking for something natural and are not swayed away by the lack of product variety, though, do check Fab CBD out!

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

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Leave your genuine opinion & help thousands of people to choose the best cbd. All reviews, either positive or negative, are accepted as long as they’re honest. We do not publish biased reviews or spam. So if you want to share your experience, opinion or give advice - the scene is yours!

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Recent Fab CBD User Reviews

3.8/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

CBD oils

The price seems acceptable. The only disadvantage it has that I don't feel immediate benefit (only after some time up to 20 minutes)

Price value
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4.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

So far so good

So it is easy to place an order, so far so good...

Price value
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3.4/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


well, shiped and delivered in a timely manner

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

faB Cbd

Hnstly one of the bettter cbds ive tried FAB cbd

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3.6/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

CBD review

A little bit soon to tell if it is helping with my pain. Although effect is a little softer than I expected originally. So this rating for now

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4.4/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

4 days

It has only been 4 days since I have started taking this product. Taste is okay however I don't feel any major effect

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Nice Product

A great ache relief from my migraines! -Nice Product-

Price value
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4.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

No complains

I don't have any complaints - helpes me to sleep for a while without any worries

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Recommend it

Reliable company with the quality products. I can recommend it

Price value
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4.2/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Like the flavor

Like the flavor,

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


Satisfied with the product. Good customer support service.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


We haev tried different CBD products and this one so far is the best one. Thanks, Fab CBD!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Very good

Rly enjoy the product

Price value
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4.2/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


order is quick seems an okay for me good

Price value
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4.6/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


I've been using it for 1 year already and it helps me to relieve my pain from migraines, injuries. This is something that you should always have with you

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


Great for my sleeping problems. I really feel how it calms my mind, pleasant feeling.:)

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.8/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner


I like FAB vanila CBD oil. soft aroma, refresing, however, I hvae been using it for 2 weeks and I still can't totally get rid of my back pain. I see some improvements, but little pain is still there

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

... pricing

Pricing is the only con of their products. Other than that I didn't have any issues with FAB.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Good service

Good service in general. The CBDs helps but a bit less I thought it would.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Fab CBD Owner

Great product

Great product, I really satisfied with it

Price value
Shipping Terms


Does Fab CBD ship all around the US?

Yes, Fab CBD provides free shipping to all of the 50 states in the US.

Do Fab CBD products contain THC?

While Fab CBD's products might contain traces of THC, these traces shouldn't exceed the legal limit of 0,3%.

Is Fab CBD a legitimate CBD product company?

Yes, Fab CBD is a completely legitimate CBD product provider.

Are the company's products potent?

Some users claim that Fab CBD's products might not be potent enough to the average customer. However, it's still a case-by-case scenario.

Do Fab CBD test their products with independent labs?

Fab CBD's products are all constantly tested by independent, third-party labs.

Can Fab CBD products help you deal with anxiety and stress?

While the effects of CBD oil are still up for debate among the scientific communities worldwide, customers do claim that Fab CBD products have helped them sleep better and deal with stress in an easier manner.