If you’ve been searching for a proper CBD product for some time now, chances are that you’ve definitely come across Charlotte’s Web at one point or another. According to many different Charlotte's Web CBD reviews, this company is the most well-known and loved CBD product provider in the states! Whether that’s true or not, we’ll find out in this article.
The way that we’ll go about this is by collecting, sorting through and analyzing the various customer and expert Charlotte’s Web CBD oil reviews. We’ll try to find out whether the rumors are true and CW can really improve your sleep and make your more relaxed, or is it all yet another marketing gimmick.
TL;DR: The majority of Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews claim that the company provides great products with a clear vision of inspiring people to stay natural. I concur - CW listens to their customers, their oil products appear to taste surprisingly great and the only real issue that people seem to have with CW are the shipping costs.
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Charlotte’s Web CBD Review: Why Use CBD?
Now, naturally, before we start talking about Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews, we should first address the obvious question - why would you look at Charlotte’s Web (or any other CBD-based company’s) products in the first place?
The more people you ask this question, the wider the array of answer you’ll receive. Everyone has their own specific wants and needs that they associate with CBD - since cannabidiol is now seen as a multiple benefit-inducing product, it has spiked in popularity like never before.
However, the majority of the benefits of CBD lie within the realms of relaxation and insomnia elimination.
More and more people report on how products that have CBD in them have helped them not only sleep better, but also feel more refreshed and relaxed, in the first place. Relaxation and stress alleviation are some concepts that are extremely difficult to grasp for most modern humans - we’ve grown so accustomed to feeling stressed out, that it seems natural.
However, it isn’t. Stress can be deadly, especially if you ignore it for too long and let it pile up. This is why, when people hear about CBD and how it apparently “works wonders” on some individual’s sleep and relaxation problems, they become immediately interested.
That said, there are quite a few product providers that try to capitalize on this surge of interest. That’s why it’s important to read about and understand each provider before deciding to make a purchase. And what’s the situation with Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews? Well, read on and find out.
What is unique about Charlotte's Web CBD products?
Charlotte’s Web founders, the Stanley brothers, were the pioneers who started the CBD industry. The Stanley brothers started by farming their own hemp plants, and to this day, Charlotte’s Web proudly works directly with American farmers, who cultivate our own hemp genetics.
- Good potency
- Natural mindset
- Grown, farmed and processed in the US
- Shipping can get expensive
- Some products might have a lesser CBD concentration than advertised
Table of Contents
Charlotte’s Web: PROS
Let’s start by taking a look at some of the more positive Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews.
One of the Better-Tasting CBD Oils
CBD oil, if it doesn’t have any added sweeteners, tends to taste a little bit iffy. You might think that this is rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but I urge you to think about it for a minute.
Once you purchase a bottle of CBD oil (whether after reading through Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews or else), you are likely going to want to use it for a prolonged period of time. Most people take CBD two times per day - that’s more than enough to develop a deep-seated hatred for the taste!
Taking a look at some Charlotte’s Web reviews, however, it doesn’t seem that many people would actually mind the taste, even though the company aims to remain natural and turns aways from any artificial sweeteners. While that is surprising in its own right, it’s still pretty good news!
Most people you’ll meet will tell you the exact same thing that the majority of Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews claim - almost everyone likes stronger dosages of CBD. And the type of a product doesn’t even matter, in the first place - whether it’s gummies, vape juice or the good-ole’ CBD oil, stronger dosages are generally preferred over weaker ones.
That’s just how things are - if you’re purchasing a bottle of CBD oil, chances are that you want to feel like you’ve gotten your money’s worth sooner rather than later.
A whole bunch of providers, however, strive to make their products as “washed out” as possible. This means that they will fill their CBD bottles with coconut oil and will only put in the smallest amounts of actual CBD so that they pass their products as, well… CBD oil.
Why do they do this? Simple - money. CBD isn’t a cheap alternative, and some product providers go to shady lengths to save as much money as possible, production-wise.
Charlotte’s Web CBD oil reviews will tell you that you don’t need to worry about that, however, since CW’s products are often even more potent than they are supposed to be! While these deviations are minimal, it’s still odd to come across a product that would have MORE stuff than advertised, instead of having less.
Whatever the case might be, though, even if you’ve used CBD before and have developed a bit of an immunity to it, Charlotte’s Web CBD oil should be potent enough to feel the effects pretty fast.
Farmed and Processed in the US
The majority of people who use CBD tend to be very health-conscious. They care not only about how the product looks or what it tastes like, but also the backstory - where it comes from, essentially.
Most major CBD providers who want to create and maintain a positive reputation of their brand know that they need to grow the hemp used in their products in the US.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Imagine if you were looking through various CBD provider reviews (even Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews, for that matter) and saw that a company was shipping in hemp from some really shady place on the other side of the content.
This causes a few different problems. First of all, no matter what some Charlotte’s Web reviews might tell you, it’s impossible to tell how that hemp was farmed and gathered. Farming methods are really important! Depending on the way that hemp is collected, you can expect varying levels of THC with your cannabidiol (THC is something that you don’t want).
Furthermore, if the hemp comes from some shady place in the middle of nowhere, you never know what might arrive mixed in with it. The last thing that you’d want is to be poisoned by unknown substances that have made their way into the CBD oil bottles. Sure, there’s quality control and lab testing, but it’s still possible.
Having said all of that, Charlotte’s Web grows and collets their hemp in Colorado. This means the hemp is regulated and approved by the US government, and has passed all of the standard US regulations in order to make its way into your bottle. If nothing else, that’s definitely reassuring.
Customer-Conscience Brand
It’s pretty cool when you find a company that sells good and reliable products. On top of that, it’s even better when that company listen to its customers and actually takes steps to ensure their customer satisfaction.
There are many Charlotte’s Web CBD oil reviews online that talk about how good CW is at hearing customer feedback and acting on it. The main outlier of this seems to be the fact that, since many people asked about it, CW has added multiple different products to their shop, aside the default CBD oil.
Charlotte’s Web: CONS
So, now that we’re done talking about the pros mentioned in the many Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews, let’s turn towards the negative side of the company’s products.

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Charlotte’s Web products aren’t cheap - we’ll get to that. However, people often don’t mind paying a bit more if they know that the quality of the product they’re getting is in-line with the product itself. That said, most CW’s customers don’t really put the shipping costs into that equation.
While shipping CBD oil can be somewhat expensive, Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews claim that it’s nowhere near as expensive as with this brand. While this will be just an added inconvenience for some, others might decide that they don’t want to pay the same amount of money for the shipping as they did for the product itself.
Depending on where you live, that might definitely be a likely scenario.
Some Users Report Lower Levels of CBD Than Advertised
While it’s not as common as some Charlotte’s Web reviews would have you believe, these things do seem to happen. There are customers who claim that the CBD concentrate in their oil was lower than advertised on the label. I suppose the deviations we've covered in the "PRO" section of this article can go both ways, then.
Is this noteworthy? Yes. Is it a tragedy? It would be if this was the case with every single CBD product the company has in stock, but seeing as that’s not really the case, then no, it’s not a tragedy at all.
Lower volumes of CBD could be the result of a production error, bad sorting, mixing problems… There’s a huge array of things that could influence this, and it definitely doesn’t automatically constitute foul play.
Since Charlotte’s Web offers customers a huge selection of different products (starting from the traditional CBD oils and all the way to gummies and pet food), we’ll be focusing on the time-tested classic - the Extra Strength CBD Oil.
As of writing this Charlotte’s Web CBD oil review, there are only two choices available to the general public - the 30ml and the 100ml one.
Both of the choices come in a few different flavors - Mint Chocolate, Olive Oil, Lemon Twist and Orange Blossom.
Now, truth be told, CW’s prices really aren’t the cheapest - many Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews will second that. However, you know what else many Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews will second? The fact that the product is worth every penny.
While there are some cheaper alternatives (i.e. Hemp Oil with CBD - $39,99), most of the prices of the company’s products are on the higher side of things. Charlotte’s Web has managed to build a reputation for being reliable and serious about what they do, and that comes with an increased price.
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Finding good CBD providers isn’t easy. Since it lacks regulation, there are many people who are trying to exploit the market and sell you something that might have but a mere drop of CBD in it, masking it to be potent and concentrated CBD oil.
While it is clear that Charlotte's Web takes their business seriously and has a good track record, the question still looms - are their products worth paying that much money for?
We’ve already established the fact that CW’s prices reflect the quality of the product pretty well. The CBD oil provided by Charlotte’s Web is made in the US, is potent, tested and trustworthy (at least according to the majority of Charlotte’s Web CBD reviews). All things considered, CW is likely one of the best CBD product providers in the current industry.
And that’s the other thing, too - don’t forget that the company offers a wide selection of products, not only oils! While customer reviews tend to mostly reference the oil, that’s only because it’s the most reliable, old-schooled way of taking CBD. However, with time, there are more and more ways to try this supplement out.
I hope that this article was helpful to you, and that you now know a lot more about Charlotte’s Web and the CBD oil that the company provides!
Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.
Contributed By Jen Palmer, Director of Education at Charlotte's Web
Jen Palmer, ND is the Director of Education for Charlotte’s Web, CBD industry pioneers. Dr. Jen is...
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