It might seem easy to try out CBD at first - you heard about it from a friend, decided that it’s “just the thing” that you need for your insomnia or anxiety, and hopped on the internet to purchase a bottle or two. However, as many different CBDistillery reviews will tell you, things aren’t always as easy as they seem.
Once you go online, you’ll immediately notice that there are many different products and product providers to pick from. Which of them are worth your attention? Should you go with the oil or the vape juice? This and many more questions are going to be bothering you as soon as you see the wide assortment of CBD merchandise available.
In this article, though, we’ll be taking a look at CBDistillery reviews - we’ll see if the products offered by this company are good at improving customer sleep and relaxation by observing what the customers themselves say about the products at hand.
TL;DR: CBDistillery offers customers a wide range of potent products. The CBD oils are coconut oil-based for better consumption, and users report that the effects are in line with what is advertised. The company’s products are also tested by 3rd party labs, which further adds to the legitimacy of the brand.
- Plenty of products to pick from
- CBD oil tested with 3rd party labs
- The company uses coconut oil as the CBD oil base
- Some people complain about the potency of CBDistillery's products
Table of Contents
CBDistillery Reviews: PROS
So, the way that we’ll go ahead and talk about the CBD Distillery reviews is simple - I’ll tell you about some of the pros and cons of this CBD product provider, after which we’ll discuss the prices of their main product. Finally, in the conclusion section of the article, I’ll tell you whether CBDistillery is worth paying attention to or not.
Wide Assortment of Products
One of the very first things that I mentioned at the start of this article on CBDistillery reviews is that it can be difficult to pick a product since different things suit different people. While some like to relax with a vape pen filled with CBD vape juice, others chew gummy bears or simply take CBD oil.
While there are plenty of different ways to ingest CBD, it all kind of lies within your preferences. That’s why it’s important that a good CBD product provider would have a wider range of products to pick from other than just the plain old oil in a bottle (although that still remains the industry’s go-to).
Judging from the CBDistillery reviews, the company has got this down pretty well.
Once you go to their official website, you’ll quickly notice that there are quite a few categories of products to choose from. Oils, vapes, gummies, capsules, pet products, isolates and so on - not bad as far as variety is concerned!
Made in the US
Insomnia and stress are bad - believe me, I know. Since you’re opting to use a product to help you deal with that, you probably at least want to be sure that the product is safe to use, right?
With some CBD product providers, that’s not always the case.
You see, even today, there are companies that import hemp from who-knows-where, farmed who-knows-how and sprayed with who-knows-what. If you’re seeing a pattern there, you’re on the right track.
Most people care about the quality of the CBD-related product that they purchase. This isn’t only based on the price or “kick” of it, either - when a company is transparent in their production practices, you can be sure that there are no extra additives in your oil or gummy bear. And often, these additives can lead to worrying health concerns.
That said, you will be happy to hear that the very first thing that most user CBDistillery reviews point to is the fact that the products of CBDistillery are made entirely in the US.
What does this mean to the common person? Well, it basically means that you don’t have to worry about the quality of your product - if the oil comes from a licensed production facility in the US, it is surely regulated, tested and produced accordingly.
A Base of Coconut Oil
Some people might not be aware of this, but your body isn’t actually all that well-suited to take in CBD in its raw form. Naturally, this means that it needs a catalyst - another substance that, when mixed with CBD, would help the relaxation kick in faster.
While there are quite a few things that can act as a catalyst in this situation, a bunch of CBDistillery reviews will tell you that coconut oil is probably your best bet. And CBDistillery knows this - the company uses fractionated coconut oil in their product.
Fractionated coconut oil is absorbed by your body much faster and smoother than its regular counterpart. Mix that with CBD, and you have a great combination that works really fast. After all, most people would probably prefer to not wait two or three hours after taking their CBD dose in order to feel relaxed!
Tested by Independent Labs
Now look - we can sit here all day, talking about how CBD allows you to relax, relieve anxiety and how CBDistillery reviews keep on stressing the fact that the company seems to make a great product. However, neither of us is going to take a lab kit and test the actual hemp and the oils before they get placed in bottles and other product containers.
Unless you’re a scientist. If so, you have my apologies.
For us common folk, though, a label is all we get.
This is why, when you see a label that has some “Tested by a 3rd Party Lab” stickers or text on it, you should immediately see that as an advantage.
Don’t be fooled, though - quite a few CBDistillery reviews fail to mention this, but some companies actually go to the lengths of hiring their own labs to test their products. Why should they do that, you might ask? Simple - so that they could (for a lack of a better word) fake the results and pretend their products meet all of the requirements.
Horrible? Yes. Possibly unhealthy? Definitely. Common? Well, it’s not all that common, but these things do happen. That’s why, when you’re looking through CBD Distillery reviews (or any other provider review, or that matter), always pay close attention to the labs in which the products were tested (if any). They should all be 3rd party labs.
As noted earlier, though, user CBDistillery reviews seem to agree that the company’s CBD products are legit. The fact that the brand chooses to be transparent about their lab test results is an even better thing - that’s a good way to build a long-lasting reputation within the industry.

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Shifting through the various CBDistillery reviews, this is something that I didn’t see being brought up all that often. Nonetheless, I do believe it deserves a separate mention on its own.
CBDistillery seems to really care about their customer discreetness.
Does that sound a little bit vague? Well, let me give you a specific example.
On their official site, you will find that CBDistillery sells - among other things - CBD vape pens. These are disposable vaping devices filled with a good concentrate of CBD juice that’s specifically altered to be vaped.
Notice the term “disposable”. Everywhere on this product’s landing page, the company makes sure to mention that the pen is a one-stop-shop - you finish the CBD that is inside the capsule, and then you dispose of the pen. Why?
Well, if you’re in a surrounding where you don’t want other people to know that you vape CBD, it’s much easier to throw away a $25 pen than a $100 one, right?
Honestly, while this is hardly a revelation of any kind, it’s still something that I feel should be mentioned more often in other CBDistillery reviews.
Locally-Supplied Hemp
Customer CBDistillery reviews note that the hemp from which the brand makes its products is supplied locally, from within the US - Colorado, Oregon, and Kentucky.
Why is this important? Well, if anything, this adds to the transparency of the brand - if you know where the product comes from, you can trust the company to create quality products, too.
Furthermore, US-grown hemp is strictly governed and regulated by law - this is actually good news, since it makes the products made from this type of hemp reliable and safe to use. Granted that CBDistillery both grows the hemp and produces its products in the United States, this should further the feeling of trustworthiness, altogether.
CBDistillery Reviews: CONS
Now that we’ve gotten all of the positive aspects of the most prominent CBDistillery reviews out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the negative complaints that people have about the company and its products.
Some Users Report a Lack of Potency
While it certainly isn’t common, from time to time, you’ll come across user CBDistillery reviews that state that the products offered by the company are a bit too “lightweight”, or that they don’t really “pack the desired punch”.
Basically, that means that the oils, gummies and vapes offered by CBDistillery are a little too weak in their potency.
Now, it’s worth mentioning that this is going to be very dependent on the person. While some people might definitely consider CBDistillery’s products to be a little bit underwhelming, others could actually see them as being too strong. It depends on your physiology, whether or not you’ve used CBD before (and how much), your overall health and so on.
Since it would probably take a whole different article to list out all of the products and their prices of CBDistillery, we’ll focus on their main oil product - the “Full Spectrum CBD Oil”. As far as that is concerned, you’ll have 5 different options to choose from:
Note that all of the products listed above have discounts as of writing this article - the prices are displayed without the discount.
Truth be told, it’s rare to find any CBDistillery reviews that would claim the prices of these products being too high. Most customers agree that the Full Spectrum CBD Oil is well worth the money - it’s potent for most people, comes in multiple different dosages according to one's wishes and needs and is overall effective.
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So, by now, you should be fully aware of all of the pros and cons of the CBD products offered by CBDistillery. The only thing left to do is give you my own opinion on whether or not the company is worth checking out.
And, honestly, seeing so many positive CBDistillery reviews would motivate me to say yes.
CBDistillery is one of those companies which do seem to care about the products that they sell. This is a refreshing prospect, in general, but it’s even more so when it comes to topics such as insomnia, anxiety and stress.
After all, most people do use CBD to alleviate those things - dealing with enough stress in your life as it is, no one wants to have issues with the one product that’s meant to help eliminate all that stress, whatsoever.
CBDistillery offers a wide range of products to pick from - whether you’re a smoker, have a sweet tooth or want to take cannabidiol in its traditional form (oil), you’ll find all of the alternatives on the company’s website.
The prices of the products are adequate, the quality is, reportedly, up to par. Also, the fact that CBDistillery tests their products with 3rd party labs should add further legitimacy to their whole business.
All in all, if you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep or simply relieve anxiety, most CBDistillery reviews would point you to this company within a heartbeat.
Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.
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