If you’re trying to find some reliable CBD brands in the UK or Europe, one of the companies that you might have come across is The Original Alternative, otherwise known as CBD Brothers. In this article, we’ll be looking at some customer CBD Brothers reviews, and seeing if the company’s CBD oils are worth checking out.
Admittedly, finding the right CBD brand for yourself can be… Somewhat difficult. These days, that’s mostly because there are many CBD providers out there, all with their own unique products and brand philosophies. That’s actually going to be one of the main goals of this CBD Brothers review, too - to uncover and explain the mission that the company in question upholds.
Let’s get straight to it, then.
TL;DR: Customer CBD Brothers reviews will tell you that the company deals in a huge variety of different CBD products. Focusing on the Cannabis Sativa-derived oils, though, they are full-spectrum products that will provide the user with some potent effects, while also being made from high-quality industrial hemp. The products can get rather expensive, though.
- Full-spectrum CBD oils
- A very wide assortment of products to pick from
- Independently-tested by two separate companies
- Education-oriented brand mission
- Some product descriptions can be confusing to industry newcomers
- Products may not be legal in some countries
Table of Contents
- 1. CBD Brothers Review: PROS
- 1.1. Potent, Full-Spectrum CBD Oils
- 1.2. Independently-Tested With Two Separate Companies
- 1.3. High-Quality CBD Oils, CO2 Extraction Method
- 1.4. A Lot of Different Products to Pick From + Educational Guides
- 2. CBD Brothers Review: CONS
- 2.1. Confusing Product Choices
- 2.2. Products May Not be Legal in Some Countries
- 3. Price
- 4. Conclusions
CBD Brothers Review: PROS
As is customary with any CBD reviews that we publish on this site, we’re going to start off this CBD Brothers review by looking at, talking about and referencing some of the best features of the brand in question.
I have to say in advance, though - while CBD Brothers sure do have a lot of different CBD products in stock, we’ll be concentrating on two specific products - CBD Brothers Green Edition, and customer CBD Brothers Blue Edition reviews.
These two specific oils are made from the Cannabis Sativa plant, or, in other words - industrial hemp. Naturally, there’s more than that to it, but this is basically the information that you need to know if you’re thinking of purchasing some CBD Brothers oils. On top of that, the two products in question are also among the most popular choices from the company, oil-wise.
Potent, Full-Spectrum CBD Oils
One of the most common things that you’ll see mentioned in customer CBD Brothers reviews is that the CBD oil products sold by the brand in question are going to be full-spectrum ones.
That statement alone should be discussed in two separate points - one that relates to the potency aspect of it, and another that has to do with the legalities of things.
Potency-wise, there are three types of CBD products that you’ll encounter being sold online, from reputable and trusted providers - isolate oils and powder, broad-spectrum and full-spectrum oils.
CBD isolates, as the name likely implies, are the purest form of CBD that you can buy. If bought in oil form, it’s going to be mixed with some carrier, same as any other type of CBD oil, but you can also buy isolate in powder form and use it in your drinks, food, or even make your own oil.
Broad-spectrum CBD products are the strangest of the lot. You can read all of the clinician CBD guides out there[1], chances are that you’ll still struggle to find a concise answer to what defines a broad-spectrum CBD product. In short, though, the general consensus within the industry is that broad-spectrum CBD products are THC-free (same as isolates), but contain other, multiple different cannabinoids.
Finally, full-spectrum CBD options. As noted earlier, reading through customer CBD Brothers reviews, you’ll notice that this is one of the most commonly-referenced points concerning the company’s oils. That’s simply because full-spectrum products are the most potent CBD options you’ll find - they are perfect for anyone who’s looking for strong, effective CBD.
Now, as noted a bit earlier, there’s also the question of legality here, too. The main shortcoming of full-spectrum CBD products is that they do, in fact, contain some THC within them. Being a psychoactive substance that makes people high, naturally, it’s strictly illegal in some countries, and very limited in others.
Having said that, though, the same customer CBD Brothers reviews will tell you that the brand’s oils are perfectly legal in the UK, since they contain “up to 0,2% THC” (as noted on the company’s official website, too). Definitely good news!
Independently-Tested With Two Separate Companies
Without a doubt, independent lab tests are among the most important factors when picking out a reputable and trustworthy CBD provider.
Think about it yourself - lab testing allows you - the customer - to rest assured that the products offered by the company are trustworthy, that they contain the right amounts of CBD and THC, and that there are no toxins, pesticides, or other harmful materials in their composition.
Make no mistake, though - it’s incredibly important that the products would be ‘independently’ tested. That single word can mean the difference between you finding and purchasing high-quality CBD products, or some potentially-dangerous knock-offs.
You see, whenever a brand tests their CBD products independently, the CBD provider has no say in the test results - that’s good. It basically means that the results are going to be displayed as they are. “Dependent” lab tests would look a little something like this: the CBD provider would “hire” a lab to “test” its products, which may alter the results towards the provider’s benefits.
With all of that being said and out of the way, customer CBD Brothers reviews are going to tell you that the company in question doesn’t only test their CBD oils independently, but it also does this with two separate labs!
While that’s definitely quite rare, it’s also a superb feature! Given the situation, potential customers can rest assured that the products offered by CBD Brothers will be top-tier, for sure.
High-Quality CBD Oils, CO2 Extraction Method
While I’ve eluded at this in the previous chapter, it’s something worth mentioning separately, too.
There are quite a few customer CBD Brothers reviews that talk about the oils that the company sells being of a high-quality. While this is naturally a great thing in of itself, it’s a rather subjective statement - that said, the company does have a way to prove it, too.
One of the best arguments for that would be the fact that CBD Brothers use the CO2 extraction method when it comes to extracting cannabidiol out of hemp. Objectively-speaking, it’s the most effective way of doing so - it guarantees that the extraction process is of the highest possible tier, and that the end product will be top-quality, too.
A Lot of Different Products to Pick From + Educational Guides
While I’ve mentioned the fact that we’ll be concentrating on CBD Brothers’ Cannabis Sativa-derived oils, this is still something worth mentioning, since it’s actually a huge point stressed in multiple customer CBD Brothers reviews, too.
Whether you’re looking for CBD Brothers Blue Edition reviews or trying to find some CBD products for your pet, you’ll be able to “shop till you drop” with the brand in question - visiting CBD Brothers’ official website, you’ll find that there’s a huge selection of different CBD products available for you to pick from.
Water-soluble oils, pet products, lotions, capsules - you name it! That’s actually a pretty big deal, too - lesser-known (when compared to the main industry providers, that is) CBD brands rarely have a huge stock of CBD-based items available, so it’s definitely a nice surprise.
Also, this means that, no matter what your preferred method of using CBD is, you should be able to find a decent option for yourself (and your pet) here, too.
Now, among all of the products offered on the website, you’ll also find some educational materials, too - all you need to do is visit the “Bookstore” section of the product page.
This actually circles back to what I was talking about at the very beginning of this CBD Brothers review, when I mentioned that we’d be uncovering the brand’s mission, as well as the qualities of their products. CBD Brothers is a company that’s dedicated to not only providing its customers with some high-end, potent CBD products, but also educating the customer on the topic, as well.
That’s surely a noble cause, indeed!
CBD Brothers Review: CONS
CBD is still a topic that’s shrouded in multiple controversies - with time, however, this is becoming more of a THC-related topic in regards to the interaction between cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol[2], at least as far as CBD products are concerned.
Having said that, though, this does not mean that you should “lower your guard” and turn off your critical thinking skills when looking at some CBD providers. Before making a purchase, it’s important to get a thorough understanding of the brand and its products, and in order to do that, you need to get the full story - not just the benefits.
With that being said, let’s transition and take a look at some of the more critical customer CBD Brothers reviews.
Confusing Product Choices
While this may appear to be somewhat of an odd “con”, it’s something that’s mentioned by quite a few customer CBD Brothers reviews, and is thus worth covering here, too.
We’ve established that CBD Brothers offers a lot of different products for the general public - that’s true. Some customers, however, note that it can get confusing trying to pick the best option for themselves - apparently, this is especially true when you’re just looking for simple, straightforward CBD oil.
Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, hybrid oils… For anyone industry newcomer, all of these terms can get pretty confusing! While it’s surely commendable that CBD Brothers has such a varied stock, it’s also apparent how it can seem confusing when you first encounter it.
Worry not, though - if you’re looking for CBD Brothers Blue Edition reviews, or simply some straightforward, hemp-derived CBD oil, that’s exactly what we are covering in this very article.
Products May Not be Legal in Some Countries
As established earlier on in the article, CBD Brothers deal in some full-spectrum CBD products. However, they ensure that the amounts of THC within the oils aren’t going to exceed the UK-legal 0,2% mark - that’s great.
If you live in the UK, that is.
If you’re trying to find some CBD products and reside in a different country, though, things might not be as great. There are many countries out there that have much stricter laws regarding CBD and THC in place - in some of them, no amount of THC is legal, under any circumstances.
Naturally, this is something that you need to look into before purchasing some of the CBD Brothers’ oil.
To finish off this CBD Brothers review, we’ll take a look at some of the pricing options for the two types of CBD oil mentioned in this article and offered by CBD Brothers.
The pricing options for the Green Edition oils are:
The pricing options for the Blue Edition oils are:
Well, the prices are somewhat high, that’s for certain. Having said that, though, the vast majority of customer CBD Brothers reviews agree that the products are truly of a high quality, and that the prices simply reflect that.
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So, then - are CBD Brothers worth it?
Well, I’d say that yes, the company’s CBD products are, indeed, worth checking out.
CBD Brothers offer customers some high-end, potent and independently-tested CBD products. The company is keen on educating its customers on the topic of CBD, in general, which is truly a commendable factor, for sure.
Having said that, though, you should make sure that you’re actually purchasing the items that you want, since some of the tags near the CBD oil products can get rather confusing. On top of that, do also note that, since CBD Brothers deal in full-spectrum CBD products - this means that they might be illegal in some countries outside of the UK. Always do some proper research!
With that, I thank you for reading this CBD Brothers review. If you’re interested in some alternative CBD options in the UK, you can check out this list, too - perhaps you’ll come across something that’ll interest you?
Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.
Scientific References
1. Harrison J VanDolah, Brent A Bauer, Karen F Mauck: 'Clinicians' Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils'
2. Thomas R Arkell, Nicholas Lintzeris, Richard C Kevin, et al.: 'Cannabidiol (CBD) Content in Vaporized Cannabis Does Not Prevent Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-induced Impairment of Driving and Cognition'
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