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Ah, coffee - one of the most popular beverages in the world, a drink without which many of us couldn’t imagine our mornings, or even our lives, at that. That said, what if you do love coffee, but aren’t really keen on the effects that it has on you? Well, the best CBD coffee can help you deal with that.

Sure - you could always create CBD oil coffee yourself. All that you’d need to do is pour some oil into the drink, stir it up and that’s it! That being said, if you overdo it, this could spoil the beverage, and make it less-than-enjoyable. It’s much better that you’d purchase the product as it is - in bean or ground bean form, made by professionals.

Today, we’re going to take a look at these options for the best CBD coffee:

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s not waste anymore time and get right to it!

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Best CBD Coffee: An Alternative Way of Taking CBD

Believe it or not, but CBD and coffee are actually a pretty good mix. You might think that there’s some sort of a juxtaposition going on - and, well, ya, there is.

You see, coffee has stimulating effects - it helps you feel awake and energized, makes your heart work faster and provides you with a boost of energy whenever you’re feeling tired or exhausted.

On its own right, cannabidiol has opposing effects - it is believed to soothe and calm people down, help them relax, and it’s believed to be great at relieving anxiety-like symptoms and even alleviating physical pains!

So... Where’s the catch? How do these two opposing things coincide with one another?

Well, if you purchase some of the best CBD coffee, you’re going to be able to enjoy your favorite drink while also gaining the positive effects of CBD. Reading through customer best CBD coffee reviews found online, it would seem that the general consensus is that the effects of cannabidiol overthrow those of coffee, although - of course - there are a lot of intricacies involved.

Best CBD coffee: coffee with cannabis sativa plants all around it.

Now, as mentioned earlier on in this “CBD and coffee” review, you could always just go ahead, purchase your favorite CBD oil from a top-tier provider and drop a few drops into your coffee. While “CBD oil coffee” is, indeed, “a thing”, if you want the coffee to taste, well… Good, you should leave the dosage and infusion to the professionals.

With all of that being said, there’s one last thing before we jump into the actual best CBD coffee reviews - THC.

THC is the drug that makes people feel high when they smoke cannabis. It’s illegal in most areas around the world. In the US, it all kind of depends on the state, but in most of them, you are allowed to purchase and use CBD products that have no more than 0,3% of THC within them.

Frankly, whenever you’re looking for the best CBD-infused coffee because you’ve heard that cannabinoids have positive effects for treating depression[1] and other, similar issues, remember that THC, while apparently having some perks, is generally something you’d want to stay away from.

Katherine Merryfield

Founder of Kat's Naturals

What should users be aware of before starting to use CBD?

You may find that your product of choice doesn't work after a while, that is because cannabinoids are stored in the fat cells of the body and you may have to take a break for a few days to allow the body to "reset" or switch back and forth from a full spectrum to an isolate for a jolt to the system. If CBD doesn't work for you, you may be one of the 1% of people whom it seems "uneffective" or you may need to try a few different products to find which one works better for you. Also note there are some medications that either block the uptake of cannabinoids to our receptors and other medications that have contraindications for the consumption of grapefruit, these drugs activate the P-450 liver enzyme and you should contact your physician before using CBD products.

1. Green Roads - 250mg of Total CBD, Colombian Ground Coffee

Ranks #1 out of 7 CBD Oils

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Green Roads is one of the CBD companies that seemingly have everything - from oils, to topicals, to isolates, to coffee. And they aren’t only selling the CBD and coffee mixture because it’s the “next best thing” - there’s a genuine belief online that the company might provide some of the best CBD coffee out there.

First and foremost, the Green Roads CBD coffee is completely THC-free. This means that you can enjoy the coffee and the extra added effects of cannabidiol without the fear that you’ll fail a drug test, or will simply take in some THC by accident.

Also, a big thing to note here is that the company sells only independently-tested products - the coffee is tested by third-party labs so as to ensure that there are no pesticides, heavy metals, toxins, and other potentially dangerous materials in it. Also, independent lab tests prove the structure of the products - if there’s too much THC or not enough CBD, the tests would show the inconsistencies.

What is the Price of the Green Roads CBD Coffee?

As far as the best CBD coffee goes, Green Roads is a great brand to choose - we’ve established that much already. That said, the company also sells its coffee for some rather affordable prices - an 8 oz bag of the coffee will cost you $39,99. You’ll also find that such a bag contains around 250mg of CBD, with each recommended dose coming at 6mg - 7,5mg.

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...or read our Green Roads review

2. HempWorx - Non-GMO Hemp

Ranks #2 out of 7 CBD Oils

HempWorx is one of the better-known names in the CBD product industry. The brand sells a few different CBD products, and among them, you’ll also find some of the best CBD coffee around.

How is the coffee offered by this brand so special?

Well, first of all, it’s vegan-friendly and GMO-free. Well, the hemp is - the company grows the hemp without any pesticides or GMOs, and is thus able to provide natural products that are free of various toxins.

HempWorx’s products are also US Hemp Authority Certified - this means that they are up-to-standard with all of the top-tier CBD products sold in the US. Third-party lab tests, ethical farming practices, legal limitations - you name it, HempWorx has got it!

What is the Price of the HempWorx CBD Coffee?

The HempWorx “best CBD-infused coffee” comes in a pack that contains almost 3 oz of coffee. The company claims that you should be able to receive around 5mg of CBD per cup, and the pack should last for 30 servings, in total. The price of the coffee is $69,00.

While that is on the more expensive side of the spectrum, it would seem that many customer best CBD coffee reviews agree that the coffee is worth the money.

Visit HempWorx
...or read our HempWorx review

3. Buddha Beans - Colombia Hemp-Infused Beans

Ranks #3 out of 7 CBD Oils

One of the more prominent fears that many customers have once they set out to find the best CBD coffee is stomach issues.

You see, there are quite a few people who have to limit their daily coffee intake to a minimum, mostly because of the fact that their stomachs can’t really handle coffee all that well. This is more-so true when it comes to CBD-infused coffee - you never know how your stomach is going to react to it.

Searching and reading through customer Buddha Beans reviews, it would seem that this is an issue that the customers of the brand know well, too. That said, their opinions are almost unanimous on the fact that the brand sells perfectly-balanced coffee that shouldn’t induce any unwanted stomach problems.

The coffee itself comes in a pack of Colombian beans infused with CBD. Buddha Beans state that you should be able to feel some notes of white chocolate, hazelnut and even caramel in the taste.

The hemp used in the production of the coffee is grown in the US, is GMO-free and certified by the USDA - that’s great news!

What is the Price of the Buddha Beans CBD Coffee?

If you choose Buddha Beans as the best CBD-infused coffee provider, you’ll have these options to pick from:

Definitely one of the most affordable CBD coffee options around!

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4. CBD Infusionz - THC-Free Coffee

Ranks #4 out of 7 CBD Oils

The coffee offered by CBD Infusionz is one of the newer products on the market - that being said, there’s a growing belief that it’s already one of the best CBD coffee products you could purchase online.

There are a few different reasons for this.

First of all, the coffee is THC-free. This is actually great news for anyone looking to get the full positive effects of CBD, yet avoid any and all possible THC. Sure, the coffee will likely lack other positive cannabinoids found in the cannabis sativa plant, but the effects should still suffice.

The coffee is 100% Arabica - the beans come from Central and South America, and are medium-roasted. What this means is that it’s most likely to suit a larger population of people, since medium-type of a roast is often seen as “the way to go”.

In total, the entire coffee jar holds 8 oz of coffee, with the total amount of CBD being around 200mg. The company estimates that you should get 16mg of CBD per single serving.

What is the Price of the CBD Infusionz CBD Coffee?

As of writing this “best CBD coffee” list, the CBD Infusionz coffee will cost you $39,99. Considering the amount of CBD within the coffee, and the fact that it’s completely THC-free, that’s a really good price for a jar of 8 oz!

Visit CBD Infusionz Coffee

5. Willie’s Remedy - Dark Blend 8 oz Ground Coffee

Ranks #5 out of 7 CBD Oils

If you’ve spent some time researching the CBD industry (or cannabidiol, as a whole), you might have noticed that one of the main benefits that are often attributed to CBD has to do with the anti-inflammatory capabilities of the compound[2]. There’s a growing amount of research found online that seems to agree with this.

Willie’s Remedy CBD coffee isn’t exactly the type of product that would be called the “best CBD coffee around”, but it certainly does have some benefits. The dosage amount of CBD that you’ll get per each serving is relatively small, but customers seem to agree that it’s enough to help them relax and even alleviate some physical pains or inflammatory issues.

Now, you should keep in mind that all of this isn’t proven - no one took Willie’s coffee and proved it having “anti-inflammatory capabilities”. This is something that’s attributed to CBD, as a whole, but even then, it stands to be accepted as a fact and endorsed by the FDA.

What is the Price of the Willie’s Remedy CBD Coffee?

If you want some mid-range CBD effects, and aren’t looking for anything super-potent, Willie’s Remedy CBD coffee might just be the best option for you. An 8 oz bag of the dark blend ground coffee will cost you $36,00.

Visit Willie's Remedy Coffee

6. Kickback - “Nano-CBD” Coffee

Ranks #6 out of 7 CBD Oils

Kickback offers customers coffee infused with “Nano-CBD” - the brand claims that, while there’s “90MG Nano” within the bag of coffee that they sell, it actually “feels like 450MG”.

That’s a bold claim.

Still, customers don’t seem to have any issues with these claims, and the fact that the company also states how the coffee is THC-free is just an added bonus. Each cup is going to come with 5mg of the “Nano-CBD” compound, which (yet again - according to the company) should feel like 25mg.

What is the Price of the Kickback CBD Coffee?

An 8 oz bag of CBD-infused coffee from Kickback is going to cost you $59,00. A bit more expensive than usual, but that’s likely due to the special technology of CBD extraction that the brand takes pride in. The bag should have around 16 servings, if you were to follow the recommendations provided at the product page.

Visit Kickback Coffee

7. Subduction - Independently-Tested Hemp Coffee

Ranks #7 out of 7 CBD Oils

Subduction sells USDA Organic coffee that’s also Fair Trade certified. The product is tested by independent, third-party labs, and is made from organic, US-grown hemp.

Honestly, these features shouldn’t surprise anyone - all CBD product providers that want to be considered “top-tier” should have most of them in check. Still, it’s pretty good to know that Subduction does fall into that category.

An interesting thing here is that the company sells broad-spectrum CBD coffee. That’s rare! What it means is that the product should come with a minimal amount of THC (or none - it depends on the brand and the extraction / production processes), yet have some different cannabinoids within its structure.

What is the Price of the Subduction CBD Coffee?

As a one-time purchase, the Subduction CBD coffee is going to cost you $34,99 (with a hemp infusion level of 10) and $49,99 if you were to choose the stronger variant (hemp infusion level 20).

Visit Subduction Coffee

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So - that concludes our list of the options for the best CBD coffee around. Remember - it’s always better to purchase ground coffee or coffee beans that resort to creating your own “best CBD oil coffee”.

Also, if you’re not so sure about the coffee-method of consuming CBD, you can always check out our list of the best CBD oils of the year.

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

Katherine Merryfield

Founder of Kat's Naturals

Contributed By Katherine Merryfield, Founder of Kat's Naturals

Katherine Merryfield holds a degree in natural health and nutrition and had been making natural health products for years, which came in handy, to say the least in 2015, after she stumbled upon the...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Katherine Merryfield, Founder of Kat's Naturals

1. Abir T. El-Alfy, Kelly Ivey, Keisha Robinson, et al.: 'Antidepressant-like effect of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa L'

2. Wei Xiong, Tanxing Cui, Kejun Cheng, et al.: 'Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors'

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Recent Best CBD Coffee User Reviews

5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Works so WELL

IT Works so well for me great CBD products and service.

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Great company

Great company and product.

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Full spectrum CBD oil

Green roads full spectrum CBD oil worth the money

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4.8/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Fast shipping

I thought the effect would be more stronger, but I guess it depenDs on person and his health condition. Anyway I can mention fast shipping and good service.

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Love it

Love their products, HempWorx is the best brand I've ever tried!

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Trust me.....

This is the best CBD oil company. Trust me.... Reliable quality and fast delivery!

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4.6/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


I placed my order around 6 days ago and received it only now. Shipping could be a lot faster. Please do something with this

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

High score

I have been very satisfied with the pain relieving effect. Excellent service and excellent product.

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4.8/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Had some problems..

Had some problems with my delivery address... luckily managed to solve this problem with customer agent service

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Great stuff!

Great stuff here guys!

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Helped with my sleep issues

Since I started using their products I noticed that my sleep issues become less noticeable. I recommend to start with a small 250mg bottle cuz even such amount will be enough to understand the quality. Don't be afraid people

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4.6/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Not enough potent

It helped me a bit with my pain but I think I need a stronger dosage. So I placed an order with other company. But I don't any complaints.

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4.4/5.0 - HempWorx Owner


The cream is good. Fast shipping, Hard to contact with customer support

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner


Top products, reasonable prices, best service

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Issues with the delivery

Issues with the delivery, cbd oil is okay

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Great 5+

Great brand, great products (natural and soft)

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

Great product. Thank you!

I suffer from arthritis and sometimes it gives me so much pain that I even decided to use CBD products. Never used it before. I chose Green Roads because of good reviews and the way how brand provided whole information about CBD, how it works, their products. I ordered it and it arrived in matter of few days! And I'm still amazed how fast this oil can help and relieve my pain. Like a few minutes and you feel no more pain. Thank you Green Roads for such a wonderful experience!

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Impressive products

HempWorx has the most impressive products that I have tried. Their 750 mg Full Spectrum CBD oil was very effective for my anxiety and helped me to ease my sleep issues within a couple of days.

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5.0/5.0 - HempWorx Owner

Like it

Like it. This one works better for me, although my friend uses other popular CBD oil

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5.0/5.0 - Green Roads Owner

CBD capsules are more convenient

I don't like the taste so I prefer CBD capsules. Also they are more convenient to take it with myself somewhere

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What are the benefits of drinking the best CBD coffee?

As with the top-tier CBD oil providers, CBD coffee might be able to help you relax and even alleviate some physical pains (i.e. sore muscles). That said, the main benefit of using CBD coffee is that you can enjoy your favorite beverage while mitigating its energizing feature.

Is CBD-infused coffee better than CBD oil?

To be frank - no. The traditional method of consuming CBD - sublingually, with oil - is always going to be more beneficial than mixing cannabidiol into other drinks and foods. Choosing the best CBD oil providers, you'll be able to feel the effects of CBD much quicker, and they are likely to last longer.

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.

Is CBD legal?

It depends on where in the world you are located. For example, in the US, CBD is technically legal in all 50 states. That being said, it still isn’t regulated by the FDA, and a subject for continuous controversies and disagreements.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.