CBD scholarships for student’s well-being

We know how stressful a student’s life might be. That’s why, by reviewing dozens of best CBD oils, we hope to inform students on which oil is 100% verified, healthy & worth their budget. Our team of expert reviewers analyze the CBD oil market daily to uncover scams, so that everyone could safely take advantage of the benefits that CBD may offer.

Another step towards helping students - we are issuing health & wellness scholarship for the most creative learners! Our team believes that studying shouldn’t be stressful & that the student life shouldn’t be associated with any health problems.

Apply to:





1 scholarship


July 31, 2020

How to apply for the health & wellness scholarship?

In order to apply for the AllbestCBDoil company scholarship, you are required to create a short video in which you answer these questions:

  • How do you relieve your stress or anxiety?
  • Have you tried CBD oil for stress or pain relief, was it helpful? If not, why?
  • What usually causes you to feel stressed?

Your application video must be no more than 5 minutes long. It has to be creative, entertaining, as if you’re telling a story to a friend. Simply let your imagination flow - there are no formal rules about the way you should answer the questions. Upload your video to Youtube, Facebook or Vimeo.

In order to submit the video for the external CBD scholarships consideration, you should:

1. Add this text description below your published video:
Importance of stress relief & wellness for students. AllbestCBDoil.com 2025 - https://www.allbestcbdoil.com

2. At the beginning of the video, you have to state the following:
“This is a story for the AllbestCBDoil.com scholarship”

Note: by submitting your video for the scholarship consideration you agree to allow AllbestCBDoil to use your video for promotional purposes (social media, website postings, etc.).

Submission for the health & wellness scholarship

Eligibility requirements for health education scholarships:

  • You have to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 to show your good academic performance.
  • You must be enrolled/must be planning to enroll in a 2-4 year college, graduate school or university based in the USA.

To apply for the easy scholarship, send an email to hello@allbestcbdoil.com (your email subject: Scholarship Application) with information listed below:

  • Your full name
  • Phone number
  • The name of the college, university or graduate school you’re attending/planning to attend
  • Year of study
  • A link to your posted application video.
  • Attach a file of your high school, college, university or graduate school recent transcript so the External Scholarship Committee would be able to validate your GPA.

The recipient of the health & wellness scholarship will be contacted no later than August 31, 2020 via email. The winner will need to provide us with current proof of enrollment or a letter of acceptance into a university, college or graduate school to receive the scholarship. If the winner doesn’t respond in 72 hours of the first contact attempt, a new scholarship winner will be chosen & announced.


Are there any rules on how I should make the application video?

There are no strict rules - we want to see your creativity flow! You can use animations, cartoons or just film yourself. Of course, your good academic performance is important, but the way that you present yourself is significant as well. Also, the answers to our questions should be helpful and informative both for us & for fellow students. If you’re creative - the best CBD scholarship is in your hands.

When is the deadline to apply for the health & wellness scholarship?

The deadline for the health & wellness scholarship is July 31, 2020. That means you have some time to prepare the best & most creative video out there. Be sure to also check our in-depth best CBD oil reviews and get to know the topic even more.

Can I renew these CBD scholarships?

No, these health education scholarships are not renewable. But you can reapply for the best CBD scholarships each year!

How is the company scholarships recipient decided?

The recipient of the scholarship is decided by analysing how he/she fits the academic & eligibility requirements. Then, the video is reviewed & based on the Scholarship Committee’s verdict, the recipient is confirmed and informed.

If I got the external scholarship, how will I be informed?

The winner of the external scholarship will be informed via email that was provided. The submissions for the scholarship will be open until July 31, 2020. Then, the applications will be reviewed by our Scholarship Committee & no later than August 31, 2020, the recipient will be decided and contacted.

When will the health & wellness scholarship funds be available?

The scholarship’s deadline is July 31, 2020, so the funds will be available for the school year of 2020.